How to undertake with social responsibility

Foto noticia innovacion
Tuesday, June 27, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CEEI Elche (European Center for Business and Innovation) Ronda Vall de Uxó Assembly Hall, 125 Elx/Elche (Alicante)
Free conference framed in the Young Innovative Company program of the Provincial Council of Alicante.
Undertaking a social insertion company can provide double satisfaction: achieving business success and, at the same time, having a positive social impact in the community. It is a way to take advantage of the
entrepreneurship as a driving force for social change and inclusion, addressing challenges and improving the lives of people in vulnerable situations.

Entrepreneurship in a social responsibility company gives you the opportunity to generate a positive impact on society. You can address social problems, and design innovative solutions that contribute to the well-being of people.

Corporate social responsibility allows you to combine your passions and values with your work. By starting a social business, you have the possibility of working in an area that you are passionate about and that gives you a sense of purpose beyond financial gain.

On this day I convey the positive sensations, from the point of view of entrepreneurship, which means working to launch a true illusion, both labor and social.