AI connect 360º: empowering with ChatGPT, exploring Ethics and Legality

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CEEI Castellón Ronda Circunvalación 188 Castelló de la Plana/Castellón de la Plana. Friday, September 8, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

ChatGPT has gained wide notoriety nowadays due to its impressive Natural Language Processing capabilities. However, despite its popularity, making the most of its potential remains a challenge.

In the first session of this event, we will take you on a journey through ChatGPT, explaining its operation, capabilities, and its applicability in different business contexts. We will learn how this technology can optimize processes, improve decision making and enhance the productivity of organizations.

But we will not only stop at the business field, we will also address the impact of Artificial Intelligence in the educational, legal, ethical and moral fields. In the second session, we will discuss the importance of AI education in the classroom to prepare future generations in this ever-evolving field, and discuss the ethics and morals of using AI, along with the legal implications and risks. challenges we must face as a society. We will reflect on how to ensure a responsible and sustainable approach in the implementation of AI in different spheres of life.

Inspiring and enriching event, moderated by Nerea Carceller from lapizarrablanca , in which we will connect with the infinite possibilities of AI and ChatGPT, while we will reflect on the crucial aspects surrounding their use.

  • 9.30 a.m. Reception and accreditation
  • 9:45 a.m. Opening and welcome
  • 10:00 a.m. Masterclass "360º CHATGPT" 10.45 a.m. Round table "AI Debate: Ethics, Legality and Business Success