Until Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Aid to the industry.
The objective of this measure is to grant aid for energy savings and efficiency in SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector, including the implementation of energy management systems, in the Valencian Community, thus promoting the reduction of CO2 emissions and of other polluting emissions, improving air quality, energy savings and efficiency and respect for the environment.
Industrial sector companies
The maximum amount of aid will be, for each of the actions, the lowest of the following:
a) 30% of the eligible investment of the project.
b) The maximum amount established for energy efficiency actions in article 38 of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014, of the Commission, of June 17, 2014. The applicable percentages on the eligible cost are the following:
- Large company: 35%
- Medium company: 45%
- Small business: 55%
c) A maximum of 1.5 million euros per project.
Justification period: The maximum period for the conclusion of the actions subject to aid will be 24 months from the date of notification of the resolution of the granting of aid. The justification must be made within a maximum period of 3 months from the end of the maximum period granted for the execution of the actions.
Application deadline until June 30, 2024.
More information at CEEI