"Theatre heals everything", the new project that presents "Theater for all" bringing family theater to hospitalized children

The broadcasts will be broadcast in streaming, through the YouTube channel of the Municipal Theater School, from the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center, with the participation of Televisión Torrevieja (TVT)
The Torrevieja University Hospital will enable a special room for viewing, where hospitalized children will be accompanied by their families interacting and sharing these shows.

The Councilor for Culture, José Antonio Quesada, the Councilor for Public Health, Rosa Cañón, and the director of the Municipal Theater School, Matías Antón, have presented the new initiative launched by “Theater for All” bringing theater to the Hospital from Torrevieja. The project, which is called “The theater cures everything”, has the objective of bringing family theater to children who are hospitalized at the Torrevieja University Hospital.

There will be four works that will be broadcast, via streaming , from the stages of the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center. A broadcast that is possible thanks to the participation of local television, Televisión Torrevieja (TVT), which will be in charge of bringing the magic of theater to the University Hospital. The center has prepared a special room in which the admitted boys and girls, as well as their families, will enjoy this initiative proposed by the director of the Municipal Theater School. “Last year we approached the classrooms of Torrevieja schools bringing theater, and on this occasion we wanted to go one step further, bringing theater to hospitalized boys and girls. Giving them a moment of happiness and joy”, were the words of Matías Antón, director of the Municipal Theater School.

The works will take place on Sundays, at 6:30 p.m., taking place one per month. The first will take place on February 25. It is a dance-theater show titled “The Psychology of Color.” On March 10, the magic of the circus will come with the performance “Circus Wings.” On April 14 it will be the turn of the puppets with the play “Bunji, the little koala”. This pilot project will close the cycle with an illusion show titled “Beware of the Magician,” which will take place on May 19.

All the works, as Matías Antón has communicated, follow the line of work established for the programming of the theater cycle, which is highly cared for with the aim of seeking scenic excellence. The representations that have been developed are all top-level on the national scene, some of them being recognized with awards of national and international prestige.

The Councilor for Health and Public Health, Rosa Cañón, has highlighted that this project has a full impact on the initiative that is being developed in hospital centers, especially in children's areas, where an attempt is being made to humanize these spaces by making them more welcoming for children. entered. From the center it has been very well received, both by the management and by those responsible for the pediatric area. “It is beneficial for the boys and girls who are there because they will be able to share this moment, in addition to being able to interact with each other. Something that is difficult in many cases when dealing with long-stay income.”