A training session for the group of property administrators from Torrevieja and Vega Baja took place at the Real Club Náutico Torrevieja on Wednesday, May 15.

Yesterday, Wednesday, May 15, a training session organized and carried out by the group of property administrators from Torrevieja and Vega Baja took place in the Board Room of the Real Club Náutico Torrevieja.
Real Club Nautico

Paula Sánchez - from the consulting firm Smart To People - and Joaquín Más - from the Community Transformation Office (OTC) managed by Enercoop - addressed the property managers of Torrevieja and Vega Baja, a group professionally affected by the energy transition.

The group of property managers has a first-rate importance in promoting electrical self-consumption, since no one knows the aspirations of the owners, the possibilities of the properties and the practical obstacles that will have to be overcome to make the energy transition towards a sustainable energy better than them. participatory model for all citizens who wish to do so.

Technicians from the companies Schletter España SL and Kw Applications Solares SL were present at the meeting, the first dedicated to the calculation, design and supply of support structures for photovoltaic panels on all types of roofs. The second, to the design, supply and assembly of solutions for photovoltaic solar self-consumption, both residential and industrial, as well as solar farms.

A widespread opinion among property managers is that we are facing a unique opportunity for Torrevieja since the Solar Map will constitute an incentive for the professionals who make up the group to promote the energy transition project.

The session had a lively question and answer session. Paula Sánchez made a general presentation of the participatory model through self-consumption and CELs, while Joaquín Más highlighted that collective self-consumption is a good option for residents in housing blocks, a common habitat in the compact urban area. He outlined a roadmap for those who dare to promote self-consumption projects in their homeowner communities, for which unanimity is not required. Instead, half of the total number of existing owners on the property is enough (Article 17.2 in fine Horizontal Property Law), a percentage that would not be an insurmountable obstacle in many communities.

When it is, or other reasons - economic difficulties in addressing the initial outlay on the production infrastructure? - prevent the participation of the owners in a collective self-consumption project, it was stated that the option of become part of an energy community.

There was concrete interest from the AA.FF. in knowing when the City Council will establish or promote an energy community. Something that the municipal technician present indicated can be expected to arrive and, probably, in the short term.

In this regard, he pointed out that the City Council, when it decides to promote and, where appropriate, participate in a CEL, will have to adopt multiple decisions, including specifying the modality of its participation and the eventual support to be provided to families in greatest need, to that precisely these are not the ones deprived of the benefits of the new model.

In the immediate term, the technology company UrbanImpacte will present the Solar Map - or Photovoltaic Map - of Torrevieja, a detailed vision of the potential for photovoltaic energy generation in each of the buildings in the municipality.

The municipal project to promote the energy transition and promote local energy communities in Torrevieja, is promoted by the Department of Innovation directed by Ricardo Recuero and has received a subsidy from the Department of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality within the 2023 call for financing actions to implement and promote the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, at the local level.