
Tomorrow, November 1, the new transparency and open government portal is launched

Tomorrow, November 1, the new transparency and open government portal is launched
The Councilor for Innovation and Transparency of the Torrevieja City Council, Ricardo Recuero, announces that tomorrow, Wednesday, November 1, the new Transparency and Open Government Portal will be launched, which will be hosted on the municipal website Recuero explained that it is a portal that aims to show a transparent, collaborative and ethical form of governance with clearer accountability to citizens.

Workshop Keys to success for entrepreneurship

Workshop Keys to success for entrepreneurship
Have you ever considered working for yourself and starting a business? In just 2 hours, experts from the European Center for Innovative Companies (CEEI Alcoy-Valencia) will be in charge of laying the foundations to accelerate the process of turning your idea into a company.

How to make a company known to the media, how to create lasting relationships with the press

How to make a company known to the media, how to create lasting relationships with the press
When you need to publicize a professional or business project, you must be clear about the response of the Editorial Teams of the different media to the information offered to them. This is necessary, since thousands of news items reach the media every day. Due to a logical issue of lack of time and resources, not all of them can be included: this is where the media begins to construct the reality that each day presents, which differentiates one medium from another.

Promote SMEs Program. Activate Growth

Promote SMEs Program. Activate Growth
ACTIVA GROWTH is a specialized and personalized ADVISORY PROGRAM, carried out by accredited collaborating entities, whose objective is to offer an internal diagnosis and analysis of the company and the business model in order to detect its potential areas of growth, which will continue with the preparation of a Growth Plan with a proposal for specific improvement actions in some of the following areas, among others: innovation, human resources, operations, digitalization, finances, marketing and commercialization. Said Plan will include the strategic lines on which the company must work and will define the roadmap to implement each of the proposed actions.