The CEIP Cuba Educational Project was approved in May 1994 and the following identity notes were established in it:
CONFESSIONALITY: CEIP Cuba, adhering to the Declaration of Human Rights and article 16 of the Spanish Constitution, manifests itself as non-denominational, I understand by such, the non-establishment of preponderance of any belief over another, which indicates an attitude of deep respect towards all of them.
LEARNING LANGUAGE: CEIP Cuba uses Spanish as the vehicular language of learning, opting for the teaching of Valencian as a subject.
METHODOLOGICAL LINE: Responding to the proposals of an active pedagogy, we intend to achieve the objectives with the participation of the student, based on their own experience, in a basically meaningful and competency learning.
PLURALISM AND DEMOCRATIC VALUES: CEIP Cuba wants its students to be able to integrate into a changing and competitive society and be responsible members of it. We try, therefore, to encourage in our students:
1) Respect for human rights.
2) The defense of the natural environment.
3) Respect for the right to religious freedom.
4) Respect for the two official languages of our community.
5) Respect for diversity in all its facets.
COEDUCATION: We consider a priority to educate in equality, seeing the student as a person independent of sex; This is reflected in the criteria for choosing texts, readings, activities, etc.
UNIFORM: CEIP Cuba has its own school uniform.