The Torrevieja City Council is carrying out a series of actions whose objective is to enhance the value of the brine and sludge from the Laguna Rosa de Torrevieja and, as a complement and in connection with the above, of seawater. This action is preceded by the preparation of an Early Demand Map of needs for Public Procurement of Innovation, one of which is, precisely, the enhancement of natural resources.
The City Council has counted, as collaborating entities in the scientific and academic field, with the universities of Alicante, Complutense and Alcalá. Without a doubt, it will also require the assistance of other universities and technology and/or research centres. In this project, the City Council has the support of the Generalitat Valenciana, materialized with the financing of certain projects by the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI) and the collaboration of different ministries and organizations of the Autonomous Administration.
The feasibility study and roadmap that makes it possible to value the brine and peloids from Laguna Rosa, and seawater, for therapeutic, cosmetic, biotechnological and other uses of potential interest has been carried out by a specialized team of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá /FGUA). The purpose of FGUA's work is to explore the feasibility and roadmap for the enhancement of resources. Identifies and dissects the legal problems that the enhancement of resources hitherto barely explored or implemented in the Laguna Rosa and its surroundings in Torrevieja, may pose in order to address public policies and/or private activities necessary for such enhancement, given account of the existing conditions regarding the use and exploitation of the area and the regulations that govern access to said resources or their future exploitation.
The Roadmap exposes, therefore, the limitations that different state, regional and municipal regulatory groups, sometimes conditioned by international law and that of the European Union, offer for the possible enhancement of resources. None of the limitations is opposed to such enhancement but, rather, they must be seen as opportunities by directing the main attention towards biodiversity, including the biotic components (microorganisms) that inhabit the environment. The study has been approached thanks to a contract that is part of the project Impulse to Innovative Public Procurement (CPI-L2) Torrevieja Town Hall, co-financed by the European Union through the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Comunitat Valenciana 20142020 through the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI).