Constitution Square, Torrevieja

It is the center of Torrevieja. His very heart. You can ask anyone. They will always send you to the Plaza de la Constitución. To the Glorieta. The Old Lady of the city. Dressed in palm trees and bougainvillea, only she, with the City Council, with the Church, is the geographic and power center. Rather than center, it would be said, and it would be said with all property, that it is the epicenter, as corresponds to land so tanned in earthquakes. Because of her, which is the soul and heartbeat of this city that grew bigger than it perhaps should, radiates the life that Torrevieja do.

The square was born when there were only a few houses grouped on the periphery of an Old Tower. Since then, serene and understanding, she has contemplated their history, the big and the small. Because the people and the life stories of the people move through it, a space such as meetings and farewells. A space of traditions and customs, essential in the festivities that still remind you of Torrevieja that it is a town and that you can feel as such, with pride.

Cozy and maternal, La Glorieta is all on its benches, in its cool summer, in its "solecicos" that face the cold. Haven of hustle and bustle. Scenario of children's games after school. Of loves that hold hands, that kiss, that get lost.

Also of solitudes that rest on their characteristic tiles, egg yolk and black, and leave with the same fatigue that they arrived. Watchtower to see the processions go out, to celebrate weddings, baptisms and communions. For family photos. To fire those who die.


Open 24 hours

Más información

When the famous real estate developer of "the 1,2,3 houses," put the money to carry out a remodeling of the Glorieta in the mid-nineties - nobody knows in exchange for what -, the hard stone that it had before was removed as pavement, but the peanuts were renewed with their peculiar orange, the central fountain was recovered and the almost obligatory underground parking was discarded. And it was almost the same as before.

Although until the seventies it housed the municipal library in the hole occupied by an old retired fountain - according to some say - because a child drowned in it.

That this square also keeps its secrets and houses several underground galleries - it seems intact - that served as a refuge in the Civil War against the bombings of the Italian aviation.

For the moment, the cosmopolitan and multicultural city is not interested in reopening and adding value. But that same cosmopolitan and multicultural Torrevieja continues to show itself as it is, and every New Year's Eve Torrevieja of this and other accents, from this and other lands, find their space to live in the centennial Glorieta.