Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish

The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Torrevieja, is inspired by the old Hermitage in this same square, and has a longitudinal sense. The main entrance is at the foot of the Church, although there are two entrances to the main space on the sides. It consists of a single nave, with a width of 16 meters and a maximum height of 19 meters, with several side chapels and service rooms on both sides of the central space. The main area of the temple, the altar, is located at the back of the nave, with a large window over it.

This Church on the outside is quite striking because it is too showy, but on the inside it is humble and very beautiful. According to my information, in the past there was a Hermitage in this same place and after many years of demolishing it, they decided to build the Church, which, as I have said, draws a lot of attention due to its exterior aesthetics.


Working days: 10:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. Holidays: 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 7:00 p.m. Holidays eve: 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Más información

The church Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón or Ermita as we call it was reopened in July 2009. The works lasted three years and although there were people who at the time did not like the radical change in structure, it must be recognized that it was all a change in the neighborhood. People have come asking if the church was Catholic! Inside it has three heights. At the top is the area where the children do their catechism and there is an elevator apart from the stairs. Currently the mass is officiated by Don Pedro and the children like it because he is a young priest who thinks about making catechesis more enjoyable and the mass more pleasant, with music and guitar included for them.