Aid and Subsidies

Call for aid to the self-employed, SMEs and micro-SMEs due to the crisis caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Provincial Funds. Annuity 2023

The purpose of this aid is to protect the general interest, minimizing the economic impact that the aforementioned crisis is having on SMEs, micro-SMEs, the self-employed and other groups subject to mutual societies of the municipality of Torrevieja in the context of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, as an economic injection measure to counteract the effects that SMEs are suffering from the indiscriminate rise
of prices, operating costs and interest rates, so as to preserve their continuity once this situation is normalized.

The purpose of these rules is to regulate the granting of subsidies aimed at minimizing the economic impact that the current crisis, arising from the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, is having on SMEs, micro-SMEs, the self-employed and other groups subject to mutual societies in the municipality of Torrevieja.

The subsidy to be received is considered “ex post” since funds are provided to the beneficiary in response to an eligible activity already carried out and a subsidy “post payable” since it is paid after the beneficiary pays for the eligible activity.

Budget credit:
The amount allocated to cover these subsidies amounts to a total amount of €694,387.00, funds coming entirely (100%) from the Excma. Provincial Council of Alicante.

Amount of aid:
The maximum subsidy to be received may reach €8,000.00 per applicant, always with the limitation of the budgetary credit allocated.

The amount of the subsidy may in no case exceed the total amount of the eligible expense correctly justified by the beneficiary.

In the event that the available credit, based on the number of approved applications that meet the necessary requirements to access the status of beneficiaries, is not sufficient to attend to all of them, a proportional reduction will be applied to the amount of all and each of the individual aid granted, in accordance with the provision contained in article 22.1. end of the LGS.

Submission deadline:
The deadline for submitting applications will be 15 business days from the day following the publication of the extract of the call in the Official Gazette of the Province of Alicante.

The request will be made only through the Electronic Headquarters of the Torrevieja City Council, completing the application forms and attaching the required documentation.

Interested parties are asked to carefully read the bases to determine the annexes and other documentation that must be accompanied with the application.

Bases and call for aid to offer housing solutions to victims of violence, people who have been evicted from their habitual residence, homeless people and other especially vulnerable people.

First. Beneficiaries
Natural persons who meet the following requirements will be beneficiaries of this aid:
a) Be registered in the municipality of Torrevieja.
b) Being victims of gender violence, who have suffered eviction from their habitual residence, homeless people and other especially vulnerable people.
For these purposes, especially vulnerable people will be considered those who hold such consideration according to an assessment issued by the primary care social services of the municipality in which the personal circumstances that advise the granting of aid are attended to and valued, such as people with problems of mental health, functional diversity, young people under the guardianship of the Generalitat, elderly people, ex-prisoners, asylum seekers, vulnerable migrants and other similar situations.
c) the rented home or property that is the object of the aid must constitute the habitual residence of the person receiving the aid.
d) In the case of leasing, the tenant or any of those who have their habitual residence in the rented home must not be related to the first or second degree of consanguinity or affinity with the person who is the landlord of the home. , except in exceptional situations justified by social services. Neither may a tenant be a partner or participant of the natural or legal person acting as the lessor.
e) Those people or coexistence units that have a home in property or under a usufruct regime, which they can occupy after the accreditation of the condition of victim of gender violence or the eviction of their habitual residence or the consideration of especially vulnerable and whose occupation is compatible with these situations.
f) Not having gross income higher than the gross amount of the IPREM calculated in 12 monthly payments, income per capita.

Second. Object.
The purpose of this call is to establish the conditions and the procedure to be followed for the application and granting of aid aimed at facilitating a housing solution to victims of gender violence, to people who have been evicted from their habitual residence, to homeless people and other especially vulnerable people residing in the Municipality of Torrevieja.

Third. Regulatory bases.
Bases and call for aid to offer housing solutions to victims of violence, people who have been evicted from their habitual residence, homeless people and other especially vulnerable people.

Bedroom. Amount
The amount of the aid will depend on the number of members of the family unit, the problem raised and the level of economic income, in accordance with the criteria set forth in the regulatory bases.

Fifth. Application submission deadline
The deadline for the presentation of these grants will be open as long as there is a budget allocation and at most until the end of the maximum justifiable period.

Sixth. Other data.
The aid referred to in the previous section will be granted for a maximum period of twelve months, provided that the conditions of its granting are maintained and there is a budget allocation and may be retroactively applicable to the expenses accrued during the period between January 1 2021 and March 31, 2022.

VINES DE LA MATA III EMPLOYMENT WORKSHOP. Selection process for management, teaching and student personnel

The EMPLOYMENT WORKSHOP project "VIDES DE LA MATA III" presented by the Torrevieja City Council proposes a training action that has culture as the dynamic axis of the fight against discrimination and will include the provision of two professional certificates:

  • Auxiliary operations of administrative and general services (ADGC0408).
  • Administrative activities in the relationship with the client (ADGG0208).

These programs are configured as employment and training programs for women that, promoted mainly by local entities, aim to increase the employability of unemployed people or people with precarious employment registered in public employment services as job seekers, with the aim of facilitating their insertion. labor, combining training with employment, by carrying out training actions in alternation with the execution of works or the provision of services of public utility or social interest, prioritizing those projects of an innovative nature, taking into account their impact on new deposits of employment.

The actions of this program are susceptible to being co-financed by the European Social Fund.

Participation will be formalized through the ELECTRONIC OFFICE of the Torrevieja City Council through a General Instance. Interested parties are asked to carefully read the bases to determine the annexes and other documentation that must be accompanied with the application.

The deadline for submitting applications for the selection of management and teaching staff will begin next October 2, 2023 to October 6, 2023, both inclusive.


In compliance with the provisions of the Twelfth Base, sections 2, 3 and 4 of which govern the call, the distribution of subsidies approved by the Plenary Agreement of the Excma is published. Provincial Council of Alicante adopted in an ordinary session held on September 13, 2023, where the “Resolution of the call for the granting of subsidies to City Councils with the aim of minimizing the economic impact that the crisis is having on SMEs, microSMEs, small self-employed entrepreneurs and professionals from their municipalities in the context of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Annuity 2023”

The Excma Provincial Council of Alicante grants Torrevieja the amount of €694,387.00 , which represents 100% of the subsidy.


The Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón Sánchez, and the Councilor for Public Works, Local Development and Entrepreneurship, Domingo Paredes Ibáñez, have welcomed 28 unemployed people registered in the Espai Labora centers of the Generalitat, who will begin to work in different areas and offices of the Torrevieja City Council, for a period of 12 months and full time.

To carry out this contract, the Torrevieja City Council has received from LABORA the Valencian Employment and Training Service a subsidy in the amount of 570,831.72 euros.

Granted within the EXPLUS-2023 Program , and whose purpose is the granting of incentives for the hiring of unemployed people of at least 30 years of age, the Torrevieja City Council carries out 28 hirings in the following occupations:
-1 Lawyer.
-1 Psychologist.
-4 Social workers.
-1 Senior Social Integration Technician.
-2 Senior accounting and finance technicians.
-7 Administrative employees.
-2 Bathers-Lifeguards.
-4 Janitors.
-6 maintenance workers.

Project susceptible to co-financing by the European Social Fund Plus 2021-2027 or any other fund of the European Union.

With these hires it is confirmed, for yet another year, that employment is and will continue to be a priority for this City Council. Likewise, it is important to value these employment programs that manage, on the one hand, to provide access to the labor market and, on the other hand, provide the Local Administration with important collaboration to meet all social demands.

More information at:


The Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón Sánchez, and the Councilor for Public Works, Local Development and Entrepreneurship, Domingo Paredes Ibáñez, have welcomed 20 unemployed people registered in the Espai Labora centers of the Generalitat, who will begin to work in different areas and offices of the Torrevieja City Council, for a period of 12 months and full time.

To carry out this contract, the Torrevieja City Council has received from LABORA the Valencian Employment and Training Service a subsidy in the amount of 503,934.98 euros.

Granted within the EMPUJU-2023 Program , its purpose is to grant incentives for the hiring of people under 30 years of age, who are registered as unemployed in the Espais Labora of the Generalitat and who have the status of beneficiaries of the Youth Guarantee. . Project susceptible to co-financing by the European Social Fund Plus 2021-2027 or any other fund of the European Union.

Under the EMPUJU-2023 program, the Torrevieja City Council hires 20 people, the occupations hired being the following:
-4 Lawyers
-1 business advisor.
-1 Social educator.
-1 Technician in microcomputer systems and networks.
-2 Senior Social Integration Technicians.
-6 Social workers.
-5 Administrative employees.

Likewise, this Program is susceptible to co-financing by the European Social Fund Plus 2021-2027 (ESF+) of the Valencian Community , or any other European Union fund.

With these hires it is confirmed, for yet another year, that employment is and will continue to be a priority for this City Council. Likewise, it is important to value these employment programs that manage, on the one hand, to give experience to the youngest to improve their resumes and access to the labor market and, on the other hand, provide the Local Administration with important collaboration to meet all social demands.