Aid and Subsidies

Young Entrepreneurs Award Contest 2023, XIV Edition.

The Department of Promotion, Employment and Local Development of the Torrevieja City Council announces the thirteenth edition of the Torrevieja Young Entrepreneurs Awards 2023.
Given that one of the objectives of public administrations within their active employment policies is to promote and create an adequate framework for the creation of new companies while reducing unemployment rates, initiatives like this are absolutely necessary to encourage our young entrepreneurs

The announcement of the prizes has as specific objectives: to promote entrepreneurship among Torrevieja society; promote the cooperative and social economy; promote the social recognition of entrepreneurs; promote a positive image of the entrepreneur as a generator of wealth and employment; promote innovation as a competitive strategy of the company, as well as the creation of companies and services related to the tourism sector, local commerce, new technologies, conservation and rehabilitation of buildings, environment, sports, leisure and free time; reward people with entrepreneurial initiative who have launched a new business; and provide support and support to entrepreneurs who have started their business, so that it serves as a stimulus for the creation of new companies and new jobs in the field of the economy of the municipality of Torrevieja.

The purpose of these Bases is to establish the rules that will govern the XIV COMPETITION "YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS AWARD 2023" , convened by the Hon. Torrevieja City Council through its Delegate Department of Public Works, Employment and Local Development under a competitive bidding regime.

The prizes and amounts included in the call are considerable. The following prizes and amounts are established:

  • First prize: 7,000 euros
  • Second prize: 3,500 euros
  • Third prize: 1,500 euros.

Legally constituted natural or legal persons who meet the following requirements may participate in this contest:

In the case of natural persons (individual entrepreneur and entrepreneur of
limited liability):
- Be registered in the municipality of Torrevieja.
- Be a maximum of 35 years old as of September 18, 2023 (date on which the submission period for this contest ends).

In the case of for-profit legal persons:
- Have its fiscal and social domicile in the municipality of Torrevieja.
- At least half of the people who constitute it must be a maximum of 35 years old as of September 18, 2023 (date on which
the deadline for submitting to this contest ends), and these are the ones that are in possession of at least 51% of the company's share capital.

Projects may be submitted, understood as companies that are legally constituted between 09/01/2022 and 08/31/2023.

The period for submitting applications will open the day after the publication in the BOP of Alicante of the extract from the call for the "Young Entrepreneurs Award 2023" contest and will end on September 18, 2023.

The application for participation together with the rest of the documentation will be submitted electronically through the electronic headquarters of the Torrevieja City Council.

Grants to NGOs in the field of social action for projects carried out in the year 2023.

The purpose of this public call is to regulate the granting of subsidies, under a competitive bidding regime, to support the development of social action programs carried out by non-profit entities, in the Municipality of Torrevieja in the year 2023, in any of its aspects, preventive, assistance, promotional or rehabilitative, in the fields of action contemplated in base III.

The maximum subsidy to be awarded per project and Entity is €90,000.

The deadline for submitting applications will be 15 business days, counted from the day following the publication of the extract of this call in the Official Gazette of the Province of Alicante.

Grants for young university students, academic year 2022/2023

The purpose of these Bases is to regulate the procedure for granting aid, under a competitive concurrence regime, to finance the current tuition, textbooks and transportation expenses for the 2022/2023 academic year of those students who meet the conditions indicated in the Base Fifth.

These aids may be requested by any resident of Torrevieja, who has a maximum age of 35 years and who is studying one of the courses of the Spanish university system adapted to the European Higher Education Area leading to official Bachelor's degrees, or equivalents, and official Master's degree.

The rest of the requirements that the beneficiaries must meet are established in the Fifth Base of the call.

The maximum aid to be granted will be up to €1,500.

The indicated amount corresponds to the maximum amount that can be paid to the beneficiary after justification of the expense made. In no case may the amount of aid be greater than the amount of the expenses justified by the beneficiaries.

Submission deadline:
The deadline for submitting aid applications will be 20 business days from the opening of the same. The opening of this period will take place the day after the publication of the extract of this call in the BOP.

Place of presentation:
Applications will be submitted in person at the General Registry of the Torrevieja City Council or electronically through the Electronic Office of the Torrevieja City Council, in attention to the right of natural persons to interact with the administration in the way they wish (electronic format or paper, depending on your preferences).

Documentation to submit with the application:
The application will be accompanied by the documentation indicated in the Tenth Base of the call.

Consult the Bases and the rest of the requirements of the call.