NOVAGOB 2022. Innovation in Public Administration

Congreso NOVAGOB
The NovaGob Congress turned Cádiz into the capital of public innovation to improve services for citizens.

On Thursday, October 20, the IX NovaGob Congress began at the Palacio de Congresos in the capital of Cadiz.

The event, organized by the NovaGob Foundation , brought together professionals from public administrations and companies that provide services and technological applications in the ICT field.

The two days that the event lasted served to share and evaluate experiences and publicize new developments in services for citizens.

More than 600 people signed up for NovaGob 2022 and 130 speakers took part in the event, held in person and broadcast live on the YouTube profile of the organizing Foundation .

Areas such as Big Data, tools for citizen participation in the processes and decisions of the Public Administrations, electronic administration platforms, collaborative work, augmented reality, artificial intelligence or the strengthening of cybersecurity, were in the focus of the ecosystem of the public innovation that is Novagob.

The main challenge facing the digitization of public services is, perhaps, to make them accessible to all citizens, trying to reduce the components of the digital divide: older people, low economic resources and less training.

The complete Novagob 2022 program is accessible on the portal . The complete development of the congress can be found on the Youtube channel of the Novagob Foundation . The formats were very varied: round tables, 30-minute presentations, 10-minute challenges, conferences and practical workshops.

The City Council of Torrevieja participated in the round table THE ROUTES OF INNOVATION IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION , moderated by the company Espublico Servicios Para La Administracion SA

The full recording of the first day of Novagob 2022 can be found at The round table in the time frame 1h:08' to 1h:44' from the start (

Vanesa Vilaseca Figueruelo, Head of Innovation, ICT and GD of the Vila-seca City Council, Francisco Javier Mínguez Parodi, General Director of Innovation, Modernization and Development of the Torrevieja City Council, Susana Menéndez Seoane, Document Management Technician of the Authority

Port of Ferrol-San Cibrao. Rafael Candela de la Fuente, Commercial Manager of Gestiona acted as Moderator.

In the case of Torrevieja, we went from a paper-based town hall to the widespread use of electronic administration.

The implementation of Gestiona, including the configuration of the platform, incorporation of existing databases, integration with applications of the General State Administration, initial training and other tasks, required:

  • 90 Face-to-Face Sessions, with the participation of eleven (11) managers between 06/1/2020 and 07/2/2020.

  • 125 Virtual Sessions, with nine (9) managers, between 04/22/2020 and 06/25/2020, in consulting, implementation and reinforcement tasks.

In mid-October, the number of entry entries in the general electronic registry since its launch on June 1, 2020, exceeded the figure of 250,000, of which about 148,000 had been through electronic headquarters, that is, directly by users from their home or office, without the intervention of municipal employees. The number of digital signatures made on the platform via the web exceeded 280,000, 176,663 electronic files created, 3,820,264 documents of all kinds, 800 videoconferences held from the Gestiona platform...

In the nearest horizon, the aim is to focus on actions that minimize the impact of the digital gap -bringing eAdmon closer to citizens-, maximizing automation to improve the quality of services (speed and user experience), introducing analytical capabilities of data that facilitate decision-making by public managers and employees at all levels and increase the number of processes integrated into the Data Intermediation Platform (PID) of the AGE.