"As experts in isolated installations, wind turbines and small power installations for domestic users, we see how the wind turbine is an ideal complement to photovoltaics, with a more stable generation throughout the time zone and more stable especially day/night and winter/summer ”.
The executive director of Bornay, Juan de Dios Bornay, said this Wednesday, within the framework of the IV National Congress of Self-consumption that is held in the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia.
The executive director of the emblematic manufacturer of mini wind turbines Bornay has been one of the speakers at the table "An industrial project for Spain: towards 10% demand coverage", a table sponsored by the Spanish company itself, which is headquartered in the Alicante municipality of Castalla (Bornay is the oldest company, and the most international, of all the Spanish wind manufacturers; the company, which is still family-owned, is now over fifty years old). Juan de Dios was accompanied at this discussion table of the National Self-Consumption Congress by engineer Nerea Lema, who is responsible for Business Development at Norvento Enerxía (another Spanish manufacturer of wind turbines); Repsol's Distributed Generation Project Manager Shalina Chandnani and Praxia's executive director, Pablo Cuesta, who acted as moderator.
Juan de Dios Bornay has identified the wind turbine as the ideal complement to photovoltaics. "If we add accumulation to this -he added-, we create a situation through which we can reach demand coverage percentages of practically 100%". The idea that the executive director of Bornay has developed during his speech has revolved around "compensating the energy of the sun with the force of the wind", in the case of small domestic or isolated installations, with small-power wind turbines.
During the table, the speakers have outlined a rosy future for the sector, but with difficulties, "because, once again -they point out from Bornay-, legislation, politics and reality do not go hand in hand".
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