
Torrevieja Audiovisual will be held on September 3 and 4 at the Municipal Theater

Torrevieja Audiovisual will be held on September 3 and 4 at the Municipal Theater
The Councilor for Culture of the Torrevieja City Council, Antonio Quesada, and the director of the event and head of Turmalina Films, Lidiana Rodríguez, presented this morning the sixth edition of TORREVIEJA AUDIOVISUAL, the national festival of fiction and animation short films that It will be held at the Municipal Theater on September 3 and 4, at 9:00 p.m., and it returns after five years without being held.

The dog beach expands its possibilities with the launch of new attractions

The dog beach expands its possibilities with the launch of new attractions
All this has been possible thanks to the joint action of the Department of Animal Protection and the Department of Beaches, which have made an investment to be able to have the new attractions of this beach of around 6,000 euros. The special bathing area for pets, also open to all users who wish, has been equipped with a series of roasting platforms, umbrellas and specific signage, in addition to the aforementioned shower and the agility area. The councilors responsible for the two municipal areas that have intervened in this action, Concha Sala and Antonio Vidal, have visited the beach today, where they have received the samples of satisfaction from the many users who were enjoying the canine beach this morning. Friday. Both councilors have indicated that the services of this beach will continue to be increased and have highlighted "the atmosphere of cordiality that is breathed in this beach where people with their pets have priority." The different actions have been carried out with their own resources and by the operators of the Department of Beaches.

Presented the II Festival of Classical Music and Opera "Sol Music Festival Torrevieja" to be held from August 12 to 15 at the International Auditorium of Torrevieja

Presented the II Festival of Classical Music and Opera "Sol Music Festival Torrevieja" to be held from August 12 to 15 at the International Auditorium of Torrevieja
The Councilor for Culture, José Antonio Quesada, together with the director of the Festival, Tatiana Denisova Kaunova, the artistic director, Lev Gelbard, and the cellist, Lana Gruen, have presented this morning the second edition of the festival of classical music and opera "Sol Music Festival Torrevieja" to be held from August 12 to 15 in the chamber hall of the International Auditorium of Torrevieja.

Reproductive success of the patinejo plover in the "Molino del Agua" Municipal Natural Area of Torrevieja

Reproductive success of the patinejo plover in the "Molino del Agua" Municipal Natural Area of Torrevieja
The ordination of the public use of the Municipal Natural Area "Molino del Agua" carried out in recent years, and a series of additional measures adopted during this season by the Department of the Environment of the Torrevieja City Council (and which had the collaboration of the Service of Wildlife of the Conselleria de Transición Ecológica and the Provincial Coastal Service), have contributed to at least 4 couples installing their nests as of May, on a linear extension of 370 meters of the total beach / dune complex. During the first spawns a total of 9 chickens were born, while in the second spawns there have been 4 more chickens that have managed to get ahead. In short, 13 new plovers were born in the "Molino del Agua" Municipal Natural Area during 2021.

The university headquarters of Torrevieja analyzes in a summer course the importance of the microorganisms of the Laguna Rosa for the natural environment and their potential applications

The university headquarters of Torrevieja analyzes in a summer course the importance of the microorganisms of the Laguna Rosa for the natural environment and their potential applications
The Torrevieja University Venue opens tomorrow, Wednesday, July 14, at 9:00 am, the summer course "The Pink Lagoon of Torrevieja: potential applications of its microorganisms", which will end on Thursday, July 15.

More than 3,000 people visit the Pascual Flores kayak in the five days that it has been docked in the port of Torrevieja

More than 3,000 people visit the Pascual Flores kayak in the five days that it has been docked in the port of Torrevieja
The image of the many families who have taken the opportunity to take their photos with their cameras or mobile phones in search of that image to remember in this spectacular enclave, which will return to the delight of Torrevieja next October, has been iconic.

Approved the contracting file for the maintenance of the public roads of the municipal term of Torrevieja

Approved the contracting file for the maintenance of the public roads of the municipal term of Torrevieja
The councilor secretary of the Local Government Board (JGL) of the Torrevieja City Council, Federico Alarcón, has reported that the Government Meeting held this morning has approved the contract file for the maintenance, conservation and repair of public roads of the Torrevieja municipal area, especially those that are part of the traffic road and sidewalks, and also including pedestrian paths and, in general, elements of public domain and use that the PGOU qualifies as such, whether they are urbanized or not, excluding the areas green that in the same way the PGOU qualifies as such, except for those services that are already included in some other maintenance contract (public lighting, traffic lights, road signs etc ...).

First anniversary of the implementation of Electronic Administration in the Torrevieja City Council

First anniversary of the implementation of Electronic Administration in the Torrevieja City Council
The Councilor for Innovation and Modernization, Ricardo Recuero, has offered a press conference this morning on the occasion of the first anniversary of the implementation of Electronic Administration in the Torrevieja City Council. Recuero has emphasized the great advance that the digitization of administrative processes in the Torrevieja town hall has meant for our city, assuming cost and paper savings and, in the workplace, being able to work more efficiently, quickly and with greater productivity.

The City Council begins the annual campaign to report on possible nesting of sea turtles on the beaches

The City Council begins the annual campaign to report on possible nesting of sea turtles on the beaches
In recent years loggerhead turtles have chosen the beaches of the Valencian Community up to 8 times to lay their eggs, one of them, in the summer of 2015, in Torrevieja. But the attempts have been many more. For example, only in the Maritime District of Torrevieja that ranges from the mouth of the Segura river to El Mojón (municipal terms of Guardamar del Segura, Torrevieja, Orihuela and Pilar de la Horadada), the attempts have been a total of 6, having reached to locate, in the summer of 2018, a newborn turtle. Two of these attempts occurred last year 2020 on the Orihuela coast, although neither of them were successful.

Presented the new corporate image of the City Council

Presented the new corporate image of the City Council
The Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, accompanied by the Councilor for Innovation and Modernization, Ricardo Recuero, and the head of Grupo Antón Comunicación, Susana Antón, presented the new corporate image of the Torrevieja City Council in the Hall of Plenary.