
The activities included in the MEDNIGHT project for the dissemination of Mediterranean science begin on Friday

The activities included in the MEDNIGHT project for the dissemination of Mediterranean science begin on Friday
Included in the MEDNIGHT project for the dissemination of Mediterranean science around the European Night of Researchers, the Torrevieja City Council, the MUDIC and the Ars Creatio Cultural Association open the Museum of Natural History to the public with free guided tours.

Presented a wide range of activities around the Mediterranean night of the researchers

Presented a wide range of activities around the Mediterranean night of the researchers
The Councilor for Education of the Torrevieja City Council, Ricardo Recuero, the director of the Interactive Didactic Museum of Sciences of the Vega Baja (MUDIC) María del Carmen Perea, and María Luisa Molina on behalf of the Ars Creatio Cultural Association, have presented the activities and MEDNIGHT programming, a joint action with Science as a common flag and in which Universities, outreach centers and research centers from Greece, Cyprus, the Valencian Community and the Region of Murcia participate.

Visit of the team of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA)

Visit of the team of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA)
The Laguna Rosa has been used for the extraction of salt and, more recently, a tourist use of the immediate surroundings has begun. However, uses such as hydrotherapeutic, cosmetic and biotechnological have not been explored to date Diversifying the Torrevieja economy was one of the conclusions of the Torrevieja Strategic Tourism Plan, which points out the opportunity to work on endogenous resources that provide Torrevieja with differentiating elements and constitute competitive advantages to attract entrepreneurial talent and generate qualified employment The Torrevieja City Council has commissioned the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA) to carry out a technical-legal study on the viability of these new uses

On Thursday the short film "Sola", made by Torrevieja filmmakers, will be released in the cycle "Eras del Cine"

On Thursday the short film "Sola", made by Torrevieja filmmakers, will be released in the cycle "Eras del Cine"
"Sola" is a short made in black and white, of great visual impact and that seeks to provoke emotions, immersing the viewer in an atmosphere of intrigue. It is a work directly influenced by the cinema of the master Hitchcock. The premiere will be attended by the Torrevieja María José Andréu, the main actress in whose performance falls the weight of the work, and the choreographer of the work, David García Marcos. "Sola" is directed by Javier Gallardo and the music created by Alonso Cases.

Eras de Cine dedicates its next edition to the adventure genre

Eras de Cine dedicates its next edition to the adventure genre
The Municipal Institute of Culture "Joaquín Chapaprieta" dedicates its next edition of Eras de Cine to the genre of Adventures. Las Eras de la Sal will host the screening of four films on August 30 and 31 and September 1 and 2, at 9:30 p.m., with free admission until full capacity is reached, and can be picked up from 8:00 p.m. the day of the screening at the Eras de la Sal box office.

Torrevieja Audiovisual will be held on September 3 and 4 at the Municipal Theater

Torrevieja Audiovisual will be held on September 3 and 4 at the Municipal Theater
The Councilor for Culture of the Torrevieja City Council, Antonio Quesada, and the director of the event and head of Turmalina Films, Lidiana Rodríguez, presented this morning the sixth edition of TORREVIEJA AUDIOVISUAL, the national festival of fiction and animation short films that It will be held at the Municipal Theater on September 3 and 4, at 9:00 p.m., and it returns after five years without being held.

Presented the II Festival of Classical Music and Opera "Sol Music Festival Torrevieja" to be held from August 12 to 15 at the International Auditorium of Torrevieja

Presented the II Festival of Classical Music and Opera "Sol Music Festival Torrevieja" to be held from August 12 to 15 at the International Auditorium of Torrevieja
The Councilor for Culture, José Antonio Quesada, together with the director of the Festival, Tatiana Denisova Kaunova, the artistic director, Lev Gelbard, and the cellist, Lana Gruen, have presented this morning the second edition of the festival of classical music and opera "Sol Music Festival Torrevieja" to be held from August 12 to 15 in the chamber hall of the International Auditorium of Torrevieja.

The City Council promotes its II Municipal Plan for Equality of Women and Men

The City Council promotes its II Municipal Plan for Equality of Women and Men
Among other activities, highlights the development of in-depth interviews with personalities from the public, cultural and social sphere of the town; the organization of group dynamics with representatives of the local associative fabric, as well as the holding of internal work tables with technical staff of the City Council