Resultados de la búsqueda


Torrevejense Musical Union

The School has been, since its inception, part of the Torrevieja Musical Union, since it is there where its students are musically trained and, once they have started in their instrument, they join


Closed Selective Processes

Selective Processes, Oppositions, Contest-Opposition, which are already closed, for consultations.

Career Officials

General Administration Assistant, as an interim official.

Call for extraordinary session 01/13/2021


Call for an extraordinary session to be held by the Plenary City Council, by videoconference in accordance with the Decree of this Mayor's Office dated October 26, 2020, to hold telematic sessions

Call for ordinary session 01/28/2021


Call for an ordinary session to be held, by videoconference, by the Plenary City Council, in accordance with the Decree of this Mayor's Office dated October 26, 2020, to hold telematic sessions by

Ordinary session call 02/25/2021


Call for an ordinary session to be held, by videoconference, by the Plenary City Council, in accordance with the Decree of this Mayor's Office dated October 26, 2020, for holding telematic sessions

Call for extraordinary session 03/04/2021


Call for an extraordinary session to be held, by videoconference, by the Plenary City Council, in accordance with the Decree of this Mayor's Office dated October 26, 2020 to hold telematic sessions