
The City Council invests € 1,507,173 in contracting for five years the comprehensive maintenance service and irrigation network of parks, gardens and other municipal green areas

The City Council invests € 1,507,173 in contracting for five years the comprehensive maintenance service and irrigation network of parks, gardens and other municipal green areas
The councilor secretary of the Local Government Board of the Torrevieja City Council, Federico Alarcón, has informed this morning of the approval of the file, specifications of technical prescriptions and administrative clauses for the contracting of the integral maintenance service, replacement, general repair and conservation of the irrigation systems of the green areas and public roads, including all the elements that are necessary for their correct operation, construction, management and viability of the municipality of Torrevieja. It should be noted that the works, extensions, modifications and any other circumstance that affects the contract will be the property of the City Council, once executed and certified. The duration of the contract will be three years, with an annual extension of two years. The maximum duration, if the corresponding extensions are agreed upon, will be 5 years. The estimated value of the contract amounts to 1,507,172.60 euros, with the base bid budget being 301,434 euros.

More than 3,000 people visit the Pascual Flores kayak in the five days that it has been docked in the port of Torrevieja

More than 3,000 people visit the Pascual Flores kayak in the five days that it has been docked in the port of Torrevieja
The image of the many families who have taken the opportunity to take their photos with their cameras or mobile phones in search of that image to remember in this spectacular enclave, which will return to the delight of Torrevieja next October, has been iconic.

Approved the contracting file for the maintenance of the public roads of the municipal term of Torrevieja

Approved the contracting file for the maintenance of the public roads of the municipal term of Torrevieja
The councilor secretary of the Local Government Board (JGL) of the Torrevieja City Council, Federico Alarcón, has reported that the Government Meeting held this morning has approved the contract file for the maintenance, conservation and repair of public roads of the Torrevieja municipal area, especially those that are part of the traffic road and sidewalks, and also including pedestrian paths and, in general, elements of public domain and use that the PGOU qualifies as such, whether they are urbanized or not, excluding the areas green that in the same way the PGOU qualifies as such, except for those services that are already included in some other maintenance contract (public lighting, traffic lights, road signs etc ...).