
The City Council adheres to the Provincial Council's line of granting aid to minimize the economic impact of the current energy crisis

The City Council adheres to the Provincial Council's line of granting aid to minimize the economic impact of the current energy crisis
This morning, the Councilor for Economy and Finance of the Torrevieja City Council, Domingo Paredes, has asked the Provincial Council of Alicante to adhere to the line of granting aid aimed at minimizing the economic impact that the energy crisis is having on SMEs, micro-SMEs, small self-employed entrepreneurs and professionals from their municipalities for the 2022 annuity.

United Kingdom Armed Forces Day Parade and Mass Honoring Veterans

United Kingdom Armed Forces Day Parade and Mass Honoring Veterans
The Councilor for International Residents of the Torrevieja City Council, Gitte Lund, will attend the event to be held in the center of Torrevieja next Saturday, June 25, on the occasion of the United Kingdom Armed Forces Day.

Delivered the diplomas to the 120 Ukrainians who have taken the Spanish courses organized by the City Council of Torrevieja

Delivered the diplomas to the 120 Ukrainians who have taken the Spanish courses organized by the City Council of Torrevieja
The Councilor for International Residents, Cooperation and Immigration, Gitte Lund Thomsen, has delivered this morning at the Palacio de la Música, the diplomas to the 130 Ukrainian men and women who have taken the Spanish courses organized by the City Council of Torrevieja, and that began on March 30.

Torrevieja hosts the first "Climate for Change" meeting organized by Hidraqua and the University of Alicante.

Torrevieja hosts the first "Climate for Change" meeting organized by Hidraqua and the University of Alicante.
The City Council of Torrevieja, Agamed, Hidraqua, and the University of Alicante have organized today, Thursday, at the Palacio de la Música, a round table to address the steps that are being taken and what measures to adopt in the fight against the climate crisis. This session has had the participation of Eduardo Dolón, mayor of Torrevieja; Jorge Ballesta, director of Agamed; and Marco A. Celdrán, Doctor in Tourism from the University of Alicante; and has been moderated by Norberto Mazón, director of the Headquarters of the University of Alicante in Torrevieja.

In the next few days a contract for the collection of domestic birds in urban spaces of Torrevieja begins

In the next few days a contract for the collection of domestic birds in urban spaces of Torrevieja begins
In the next few days, and after its approval tomorrow, Friday, by the Local Government Board (JGL), a contract will come into operation for the control of birds in the municipality of Torrevieja, with which it will try to lessen the effects of domestic birds. of corral that exist in various parks and areas of the city.

Torrevieja is exposed as a model of success in the National Congress of Environmental Health for its work to guarantee water quality

Torrevieja is exposed as a model of success in the National Congress of Environmental Health for its work to guarantee water quality
Agamed has worked since its inception to control and guarantee the quality of water for all citizens and visitors to Torrevieja. Thus, each year it carries out more than 1,200 laboratory tests and 10,900 on-site measurements and reviews more than 20,000 annual parameters in the samples collected from warehouses and strategic points of the distribution network.

The CDT of Torrevieja launches training courses for Ukrainian refugees

The CDT of Torrevieja launches training courses for Ukrainian refugees
The mayor has reported that at the moment there are more than 3,500 citizens from Ukraine who are already registered in the Association of Ukrainians of Torrevieja since the beginning of the Russian invasion

Spanish courses for Ukrainian citizens begin

Spanish courses for Ukrainian citizens begin
The Councilor for International Residents, Cooperation and Immigration of the Torrevieja City Council, Gitte Lund Thomsen, has welcomed all of them and encouraged them to integrate into Torrevieja society and learn our language to facilitate their full integration into the city. It should be noted that these Spanish classes are aimed at people of all ages, with women predominating more than men.

Torrevieja joins Earth Hour tonight with the turning off of the lights of the Plaza de la Constitución and Plaza Encarnación Puchol

Torrevieja joins Earth Hour tonight with the turning off of the lights of the Plaza de la Constitución and Plaza Encarnación Puchol
The city of Torrevieja will join Earth Hour tonight, with the turning off of the lights of two emblematic squares of the town: Plaza de la Constitución and Plaza de Encarnación Puchol de La Mata. All lighting in these squares will be turned off from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

The Salvador Ruso school welcomes more than 250 Ukrainian students, from 6 to 18 years old, who receive their regulated studies every Saturday

The Salvador Ruso school welcomes more than 250 Ukrainian students, from 6 to 18 years old, who receive their regulated studies every Saturday
Around 400 Ukrainian children and young people teach their studies in two educational centers set up for them, such as the center of the Association of Ukrainians in Torrevieja and, now, the Salvador Ruso public school, which has been opened to serve the large number of children who They have arrived since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

The CQ Torrevieja Amateur Radio Association signs a collaboration agreement with Agamed to give visibility to the need for water in the world

The CQ Torrevieja Amateur Radio Association signs a collaboration agreement with Agamed to give visibility to the need for water in the world
The Cultural Association of Radio Amateurs CQ Torrevieja has signed a collaboration agreement with AGAMED to give visibility to the global need for water. In the agreement, which has been developing for five years, the Torrevieja City Council collaborates through the Municipal Institute of Culture "Joaquín Chapaprieta", and has a clear objective: to raise awareness about the global water crisis, through the waves, contacting people from all over the world.

Reception plan for people arriving from Ukraine

Reception plan for people arriving from Ukraine
This morning a work meeting was held at the Torrevieja City Council to finalize the Reception Plan for people arriving from Ukraine and the details of the administrative processes and available services.