
Approved the tender for the improvement works in the Casa Grande I and Casa Grande II industrial estate

Approved the tender for the improvement works in the Casa Grande I and Casa Grande II industrial estate
It is worth highlighting the joint work between the Association of Industrialists and Merchants of the Casa Grande Business Park and the Torrevieja City Council to carry out this first phase of work in the industrial estate, and in 2024 the redevelopment works of the industrial estate will be carried out, as agreed. with the association

The 2023-24 training offer of the UMH in Torrevieja is presented

The 2023-24 training offer of the UMH in Torrevieja is presented
On Monday morning, Ricardo Recuero, Councilor for Education, accompanied by Miriam Hurtado Pomares, professor of the Degree in Occupational Therapy at the UMH; Asunción Agulló Torres, Director of the Projection and Institutional Relations Area of the UMH; Javier Sancho, director of the Business Area of the UMH Science Park, and Fernando Olabe, professor of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication and the Degree in Journalism, have presented the 2023-24 Training Offer of the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) in Torrevieja.

Presented the first scholarships for academic excellence of Rotary Club Torrevieja

Presented the first scholarships for academic excellence of Rotary Club Torrevieja
The Councilor for Education of the Torrevieja City Council, Ricardo Recuero, and the president of the Rotary Club Torrevieja, María Ángeles Pérez, have presented this morning the Scholarships for Academic Excellence for high school students and training cycles that are launched from the association.

Torrevieja will celebrate the night of the Bonfires of San Juan on its beaches on June 23

Torrevieja will celebrate the night of the Bonfires of San Juan on its beaches on June 23
The Councilor for Beaches, Antonio Vidal, has announced that the city of Torrevieja will celebrate this coming Friday, June 23, the traditional night of Bonfires of San Juan on its beaches. Vidal has reported that there are many citizens of Torrevieja who enjoy this popular festival on our beaches and which serves as the starting signal for summer, becoming a special party enjoyed by both young and old.

Received the CEIP number 14 of Torrevieja, which will be launched in September of this year

Received the CEIP number 14 of Torrevieja, which will be launched in September of this year
This new center of prefabricated classrooms has a double-line profile (6 classrooms for infant education and 12 for primary), being able to accommodate a total of 486 students, also having all the necessary equipment for its operation, including a school cafeteria and two classrooms for 2-year-old students