
The Vista Alegre exhibition hall hosts Jaime Molina's talk "Virtual heritage: going back to the past by recreating history"

The Vista Alegre exhibition hall hosts Jaime Molina's talk "Virtual heritage: going back to the past by recreating history"
This coming Thursday, July 21, at 6:00 p.m., in the Vista Alegre Exhibition Hall, the Professor of Ancient History at the University of Alicante, Jaime Molina Vidal, will offer the talk "Virtual Heritage: going back to the past by recreating the History".

The mayor inaugurates tomorrow the exhibition and presentation of the publication Las Eras de la Sal: origin of a city, which explains the history and studies recently carried out in the Eras

The mayor inaugurates tomorrow the exhibition and presentation of the publication Las Eras de la Sal: origin of a city, which explains the history and studies recently carried out in the Eras
Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 22, at 7:00 p.m., in the Vista Alegre Exhibition Hall, the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the Councilor for Culture, Antonio Quesada, will inaugurate the exhibition and present the publication "Las Eras de Salt: Origin of a City", which explains the history and studies that have recently been carried out in the Eras de la Sal.

Torrevieja hosts the first "Climate for Change" meeting organized by Hidraqua and the University of Alicante.

Torrevieja hosts the first "Climate for Change" meeting organized by Hidraqua and the University of Alicante.
The City Council of Torrevieja, Agamed, Hidraqua, and the University of Alicante have organized today, Thursday, at the Palacio de la Música, a round table to address the steps that are being taken and what measures to adopt in the fight against the climate crisis. This session has had the participation of Eduardo Dolón, mayor of Torrevieja; Jorge Ballesta, director of Agamed; and Marco A. Celdrán, Doctor in Tourism from the University of Alicante; and has been moderated by Norberto Mazón, director of the Headquarters of the University of Alicante in Torrevieja.

Inaugurated the exhibition of the children's artistic project "Art and the sea" at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center

Inaugurated the exhibition of the children's artistic project "Art and the sea" at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center
Today, June 8, the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, the councilor for Culture, Antonio Quesada, the councilor for Education, Ricardo Recuero and the councilor for Social Welfare, Tomás Ballester, together with the teacher of the students who have developed the artistic project, María García Rubio, the director of Sustainable Fishing, Carmen-Paz Martí, the coordinator of the Tabarca Marine Reserve, Felio Lozano, and the teachers of the Municipal School of Painting, Mar García and Olga Parra, inaugurate the exhibition “ Art and the sea” at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center, a date that coincides with World Oceans Day.

Next Wednesday, June 8, World Oceans Day, the exhibition "Art and the Sea" will be inaugurated at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center

Next Wednesday, June 8, World Oceans Day, the exhibition "Art and the Sea" will be inaugurated at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the councilor for Culture, Antonio Quesada, will inaugurate this coming Wednesday, June 8, World Oceans Day, at 7:00 p.m., at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center, the exhibition “ Art and the sea”.

On Saturday, June 11, the first family concert of the Torrevieja Symphony Orchestra will be held in the Auditorium

On Saturday, June 11, the first family concert of the Torrevieja Symphony Orchestra will be held in the Auditorium
The Councilor for Education of the City Council of Torrevieja, Ricardo Recuero, the Councilor for Culture, Antonio Quesada, together with the president of Ars Aetheria, Mamen Mateo and the director of the Torrevieja Symphony Orchestra, José Francisco Sánchez, presented on the morning of today the "Family Concert", which will take place next Saturday, June 11 at the Torrevieja Auditorium, at 12:00.

In the next few days a contract for the collection of domestic birds in urban spaces of Torrevieja begins

In the next few days a contract for the collection of domestic birds in urban spaces of Torrevieja begins
In the next few days, and after its approval tomorrow, Friday, by the Local Government Board (JGL), a contract will come into operation for the control of birds in the municipality of Torrevieja, with which it will try to lessen the effects of domestic birds. of corral that exist in various parks and areas of the city.

Spring concert of the musical society "Los Salerosos" of the XXVII Campanya de Música als Pobles

Spring concert of the musical society "Los Salerosos" of the XXVII Campanya de Música als Pobles
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, accompanied by the councilors of Security and Beaches, Federico Alarcón and Antonio Vidal, and together with the president of the “Los Salerosos” Musical Society, Guillermo Hernández, attended the Spring Concert of the “Los Salerosos” Musical Society. Salty” in the Municipal Theater. A concert that is part of the XXVII Campanya de Música als Pobles, organized by the Provincial Council of Alicante.