
The Salvador Ruso school welcomes more than 250 Ukrainian students, from 6 to 18 years old, who receive their regulated studies every Saturday

The Salvador Ruso school welcomes more than 250 Ukrainian students, from 6 to 18 years old, who receive their regulated studies every Saturday
Around 400 Ukrainian children and young people teach their studies in two educational centers set up for them, such as the center of the Association of Ukrainians in Torrevieja and, now, the Salvador Ruso public school, which has been opened to serve the large number of children who They have arrived since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

Reception plan for people arriving from Ukraine

Reception plan for people arriving from Ukraine
This morning a work meeting was held at the Torrevieja City Council to finalize the Reception Plan for people arriving from Ukraine and the details of the administrative processes and available services.

The City Council will open a place to accommodate humanitarian aid for Ukraine

The City Council will open a place to accommodate humanitarian aid for Ukraine
Representatives of 22 local NGOs have participated in a meeting convened by the Torrevieja City Council to coordinate the reception of humanitarian aid that is going to be sent to the Ukrainian people, who are suffering from the current armed conflict. The Councilor for NGOs and Volunteers, Concha Sala, together with the councilors of International Residents, Gitte Lund; of Citizen Participation, Inmaculada Montesinos and Social Welfare, Tomás Ballester, has announced that the City Council is going to provide a place in which the arrival of all the material that is delivered for this purpose will be centralized and that it will be attended by volunteers from the different NGOs ´s of Torrevieja.

Meeting with residents of Rocajuna to discuss citizen security issues

Meeting with residents of Rocajuna to discuss citizen security issues
Yesterday morning, Tuesday, a meeting was organized with the residents of Torresur, an area of the Rocajuna urbanization, with a majority of British residents, with the presence of the deputy mayor of the Torrevieja City Council, Rosario Martínez, the Councilor for Security and Emergencies, Federico Alarcón, and the mayor of International Residents, Gitte Lund Thomsen, and in which members of the Civil Guard and the Torrevieja Local Police were also present.

Russian speaking community activities

Russian speaking community activities
The Mir Odin association of Russian speakers organizes several activities in Plaza Encarnación Puchol in La Mata in collaboration with the Department of International Residents.

The Department of Education launches for the second consecutive year the dining scholarships to students who do not have access to the scholarships of the Ministry of Education

The Department of Education launches for the second consecutive year the dining scholarships to students who do not have access to the scholarships of the Ministry of Education
The Councilor for Education of the Torrevieja City Council, Ricardo Recuero, the president of Rotary Club Torrevieja, Luis Andreu; The representative of the Humanitarian Foundation of Spanish Rotarians, Ricardo Molina, and the deputy manager of AGAMED, Gemma Cruz, have presented this morning the second call for the Comedor Scholarships for children in the city who have not been able to have access to scholarships granted by the Ministry of Education of the Generalitat.

The Association of Numerous Family Members (ASAFAN) has an information and advice point in the City of La Mata

The Association of Numerous Family Members (ASAFAN) has an information and advice point in the City of La Mata
The Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the Councilor for Social Welfare, Tomás Ballester, have visited, together with the ASAFAN delegate in Torrevieja, Óscar Urtasun, this information point which offers all the information on the aid and benefits with the that have, in addition to managing and processing scholarships, FN degrees, etc. The hours of attention to the public are in August: Tuesday and Thursday in the morning, and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from the month of September. Among the advantages for large families are discounts on the urban contribution, electricity and water bills, sports activities, all kinds of transport, museums, ..., as well as discounts on school fees and university fees, on the Social Security fee by home caregivers, etc. To contact ASAFAN Torrevieja you can call: 686 083 054 or 661 348 048. Also by email:

3,214 food menus and 7,478 snack menus were distributed during the 2020/2021 school year

3,214 food menus and 7,478 snack menus were distributed during the 2020/2021 school year
The Department of Education of the Torrevieja City Council, in collaboration with ROTARY CLUB, AGAMED, LA CAIXA FOUNDATION, ASIVEGA, CAJA RURAL CENTRAL and different individuals, launched a project in November 2020 to grant Dining Scholarships to boys and girls from the city that did not have access to them in the normalized process of the Ministry of Education.