
On Saturday, February 19, the "Ricardo Lafuente" memorial will be held

On Saturday, February 19, the "Ricardo Lafuente" memorial will be held
The Councilor for Culture of the Torrevieja City Council, Antonio Quesada, informs that the Ricardo Lafuente Memorial, which is held biannually, will take place on February 19, in which the figure of this pro Torrevieja composer and poet is remembered. .

Presentation of the Paredes Pedrosa office to the advisory commission of the Eras de la Sal

Presentation of the Paredes Pedrosa office to the advisory commission of the Eras de la Sal
Last Friday, January 21, a meeting of the Salt Eras Advisory Commission was held, chaired by the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, in which the architecture firm PAREDES PEDROSA was presented to said group. ARQUITECTOS, SLP, office that has been proposed as the successful bidder for the Project, construction management and health and safety coordination of the Museo del Mar, a Multipurpose Enclosure with the main purpose of holding the International Habaneras Contest, as well as its complementary infrastructures and urbanization area, for an award amount of 660,660 euros.

The Department of Parks and Gardens begins the pruning of palm trees in the municipality of TorreviejaAt the same time, the pruning of the city's trees is being carried out

The Department of Parks and Gardens begins the pruning of palm trees in the municipality of TorreviejaAt the same time, the pruning of the city's trees is being carried out
The Councilor for Parks and Gardens, Carmen Gómez Candel, informs that the pruning of the palm trees in the municipality of Torrevieja has already begun. Following the guidelines set by the Order of December 22, 2009, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, which establishes mandatory phytosanitary measures for the control and eradication of the plague Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (red palm weevil), in its article 6.4 indicates: The local corporations will ensure that in their municipality, the pruning of palm trees on their property is carried out in winter, from January to February.

Approval of the preliminary construction project for the new Agamed and Multifunctional Educational Center facilities

Approval of the preliminary construction project for the new Agamed and Multifunctional Educational Center facilities
The land where the building is to be built belongs to the City Council and the legal formula for surface rights has been used as the most viable formula. As consideration, the Torrevieja City Council obtains the use of a total of 1,488, 23 square meters of the building to be built, having full availability from the first day from the commissioning of the building on the second, third and attic floors, in the The multifunctional educational center will be located, while the ground and first floors will be made available to the AGAMED company offices. In addition, it should be noted that the City Council will receive ownership of the entire building built, including the ground floor, first floor and basement from the end of the contract.

Since yesterday the Plaza de Waldo Calero has been hosting a sculpture commemorating the 50th anniversary of "Diego Ramírez Pastor"

Since yesterday the Plaza de Waldo Calero has been hosting a sculpture commemorating the 50th anniversary of "Diego Ramírez Pastor"
The inauguration of the sculpture was attended by the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón; the Councilor for Culture, Antonio Quesada; the secretary of the “Diego Ramírez Pastor” Award, Gema Mateo; the Queen of Salt Victoria Magoñ Rodríguez, and her ladies Juncal Gómez Rivero and Marta Mesa Vizcaíno, as well as several of the winners throughout this half century of existence of the award and councilors of the government team.

Russian speaking community activities

Russian speaking community activities
The Mir Odin association of Russian speakers organizes several activities in Plaza Encarnación Puchol in La Mata in collaboration with the Department of International Residents.

Tomorrow it will be presented at the theater "The gift 2. The story of the habanera"

Tomorrow it will be presented at the theater "The gift 2. The story of the habanera"
The Councilor for Culture of the Torrevieja City Council, Antonio Quesada, informs that "The gift 2. The tale of the habanera", written by Amparo Cos and illustrated by Víctor García, will be presented tomorrow, Friday, at 7:00 p.m., at the Municipal Theater .

Emotional and spectacular tribute concert to the Musician Brigade General Francisco Grau Vegara, at the Monumental Theater in Madrid

Emotional and spectacular tribute concert to the Musician Brigade General Francisco Grau Vegara, at the Monumental Theater in Madrid
The mayor of Torrevieja has highlighted the figure of Francisco Grau as one of the leaders in the evolution of the International Habaneras and Polyphony Contest, having been president of its jury for 30 years. For Eduardo Dolón "today those of us who have been able to enjoy this spectacular concert in Madrid have felt the torrevejensismo in vein"

"Lily, a tale from Torrevieja" is back

"Lily, a tale from Torrevieja" is back
This performance will take place at the Municipal Theater on Sunday, November 28, at 8:00 p.m., with an open pass for the general public. In addition, on Monday, November 29, in the morning there will be a closed screening of the work for students from schools that have accepted the proposal. Admission will be free with invitation, which can be collected at the concierge of the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center.

The Cycle "Dialogues in the Territory" begins at the Torrevieja University Venue

The Cycle "Dialogues in the Territory" begins at the Torrevieja University Venue
The Torrevieja Venue will host two of the conferences of the "Dialogues in the Territory" Cycle organized by the University of Alicante at its university venues. Specifically, the cycle will begin next Thursday, November 18 at 7:00 p.m., with the writer and teacher Tomás Vicente Martínez, who will speak about “Rescuing memory. Touching consciences. The tales of Tío Ramicas ”, presented by Fernando Vera Rebollo, professor of Regional Geographic Analysis at the University of Alicante.

Theater at the Cultural Center to commemorate the International Day Against Gender Violence

Theater at the Cultural Center to commemorate the International Day Against Gender Violence
SYNOPSIS Since she was a child, Nora (Isabel Pardines) has always been subject to the will of the men who have surrounded her. For this reason, for her, being the doll her husband Héctor (José Vicente Soriano) plays with is the most normal thing in the world. But the unexpected visit of her friend Cristina (Lucía Iñesta / Lucía Espinosa), the illness of the best friend of the family, Dr. Ramos (Paco Pando) and the revelation of something secret, known only to Nora and Mr. Pardo ( José Manuel Vidal), will cause Nora to finally realize that her life must change and that she cannot continue living in a dollhouse.

The Coronation Gala of the Queen of La Sal will be on Saturday 20

The Coronation Gala of the Queen of La Sal will be on Saturday 20
Next Saturday, November 20, the Gala of Proclamation and Coronation of the Queen of Salt and her Ladies of Honor will take place, which will be organized by the Party Department of the Torrevieja City Council. It will be at eight o'clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Theater when this act begins prior to the celebration of the Patron Saint Festivities in honor of La Purísima Concepción, whose programming will be made public on Monday the 15th. At that event, the current Queen of La Sal, Raquel Tévar Braña and her Bridesmaids, María Cases Alarcón and Cristy Guamán Correa, will give up the witness that began in 1963 in the incoming court. The confirmed candidates are Marta Mesa Vizcaino, Juncal Gómez Rivero and Victoria Magoñ Rodríguez. From this shortlist will come the new Queen of Salt and her Ladies after the day of coexistence that they held last Sunday with the jury. The next meeting with the members of the aforementioned jury will be next Wednesday the 17th and three days later the result of the election will be known.

The Paseo Vista Alegre hosts this Sunday, November 14, the third day of the XLIX Provincial Contest of Music Bands

The Paseo Vista Alegre hosts this Sunday, November 14, the third day of the XLIX Provincial Contest of Music Bands
The Municipal Institute of Culture "Joaquín Chapaprieta", through the delegate councilor, José Antonio Quesada, reports on the celebration of the third day of the XLIX Provincial Contest of Music Bands that will take place this Sunday, November 14 at Paseo Vista Alegre. The development of this contest, in which bands of both 1st category and 2nd category will participate, is the result of collaboration between the Alicante Provincial Council and the Municipal Institute of Culture.

The circus show "Yolo" canceled due to a readjustment of the schedule

The circus show "Yolo" canceled due to a readjustment of the schedule
All those who have bought tickets for this circus show will get a full refund of the tickets automatically acquired by the ticketera company We apologize for any inconvenience caused.