
Presented the activities scheduled for Arbor Day 2024

Presented the activities scheduled for Arbor Day 2024
The Councilor for the Environment of the Torrevieja City Council, Antonio Vidal, together with the Councilor for Education, Ricardo Recuero, the director-conservator of the Lagunas de La Mata-Torrevieja Natural Park, Francisco Martínez, and the deputy manager of AGAMED, Gemma Cruz , have presented this morning the planting and regeneration activities that will be carried out on the occasion of the celebration of Tree Day 2024. Some actions that will take place on January 31 and February 1, for schoolchildren from all centers Torrevieja schools.

Approved the contracting file for the preparation of a study for the implementation of a restricted area for bathrooms and a visit to the Natural Park of Las Salinas de Torrevieja

Approved the contracting file for the preparation of a study for the implementation of a restricted area for bathrooms and a visit to the Natural Park of Las Salinas de Torrevieja
It will include an economic feasibility study that serves as motivation for the decision to protect, rehabilitate and exploit the old facilities of the salt industry as tourist use with therapeutic-cultural-educational and recreational activities.

409 local companies obtain aid from the Provincial Council for the payment of electricity, gas and fuel to minimize the economic impact caused by the energy crisis

409 local companies obtain aid from the Provincial Council for the payment of electricity, gas and fuel to minimize the economic impact caused by the energy crisis
The Councilor for Public Works, Employment and Local Development of the Torrevieja City Council, Domingo Paredes, reports that once the established deadline for admission of applications for a line of aid to SMEs, micro-SMEs and the self-employed has expired, in order to minimize the economic impact and social that this energy crisis is assuming for these groups, a total of 409 applications from Torrevieja companies have submitted the required documentation and meet the established requirements of the call carried out by the Provincial Council of Alicante.

Entrepreneurship support agents request public-private participation structures for revitalization in the territory

Entrepreneurship support agents request public-private participation structures for revitalization in the territory
"Participation structures are spaces for debate with a vocation for continuity that need two elements: on the one hand, channels or bodies capable of attracting citizens with the intention of contributing their proposals in favor of the improvement or implementation of projects On the other, the existence of structures or figures in the Administration that favor this participation. For this, it is also necessary to create points of intersection that allow connecting public organizations with citizen participation."

The Mayor asks the FEMP to participate in the working group that is going to be set up to analyze how to compensate for the drop in income from the capital gains tax

The Mayor asks the FEMP to participate in the working group that is going to be set up to analyze how to compensate for the drop in income from the capital gains tax
After the letter sent to the City Council of Torrevieja by the president of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), Abel Caballero, in which an agreement was reached in the National Commission of Local Administration (CNAL) for the creation of a group of work to analyze how to compensate for the drop in income from the capital gains tax, the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, has formally requested their participation, since the municipality of Torrevieja has been one of the most affected by these jurisprudential and legislative fluctuations.

The University of Alicante works on the creation of marketable biomass from wastewater or saline

The University of Alicante works on the creation of marketable biomass from wastewater or saline
The team of researchers from the University of Alicante, led by Professor Rosa María Martínez Espinosa, is studying the use of halophilic microorganisms to clean contaminated water and brines before they are returned to the sea. Microorganisms consume these contaminants as food and make them disappear. At the same time, they create a biomass that can be used to make bioplastics. A raw material that can replace polluting plastics.

The Municipal Natural Park Molino del Agua advances in the recovery of sainares and coastal threads

The Municipal Natural Park Molino del Agua advances in the recovery of sainares and coastal threads
The Association of Naturalists of the Southeast (ANSE), with the support of NaturGreen and under the direction of the Department of the Environment of the City Council of Torrevieja, directed by Antonio Vidal, has been advancing in the recovery of the plant formations of the Municipal Natural Park Molino del Water in La Mata. During the 2022 campaign, the implantation of 500 seedlings of dune species is planned in order to improve the vegetation cover and recover threatened species or species that became extinct in the province of Alicante.

Second appointment of the cycle "Dialogues in the Territory" at the Torrevieja University Venue next Thursday, November 25

Second appointment of the cycle "Dialogues in the Territory" at the Torrevieja University Venue next Thursday, November 25
The Torrevieja Venue will host this Thursday, November 25, the second conference of the "Dialogues in the Territory" Cycle organized by the University of Alicante at its university venues. Specifically, this appointment will take place at the Torrevieja Headquarters, located in the "Virgen del Carmen" Cultural Center at 7:00 p.m., with the conference "From the Torrevieja Lagoon to industry and medicine", by Rosa Mª Martínez Espinosa, professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Biochemistry of the University of Alicante, with the presentation by Ricardo Recuero, Councilor for Innovation of the Torrevieja City Council.

Special bus operation for the feast of all saints from Saturday, October 30

Special bus operation for the feast of all saints from Saturday, October 30
The Torrevieja City Council, through its Department of Cemeteries, has prepared a special operation on the occasion of the celebration of the All Saints Day Festival (November 1), which includes a free bus service to transfer citizens to the Municipal Cemetery, with different stops, and which will begin next Saturday, October 30, and will end on Monday, November 1.

Visit of the team of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA)

Visit of the team of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA)
The Laguna Rosa has been used for the extraction of salt and, more recently, a tourist use of the immediate surroundings has begun. However, uses such as hydrotherapeutic, cosmetic and biotechnological have not been explored to date Diversifying the Torrevieja economy was one of the conclusions of the Torrevieja Strategic Tourism Plan, which points out the opportunity to work on endogenous resources that provide Torrevieja with differentiating elements and constitute competitive advantages to attract entrepreneurial talent and generate qualified employment The Torrevieja City Council has commissioned the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA) to carry out a technical-legal study on the viability of these new uses