
The San Emigdio festivities return to their usual programming from August 4 to 7

The San Emigdio festivities return to their usual programming from August 4 to 7
The Parque de las Naciones will be the scene of the program of events that will take place from August 4 to 7, on the occasion of the festivities in honor of San Emigdio, co-patron of Torrevieja and protector against earthquakes. The Councilor for Fiestas, Concha Sala, and the president of the Plaza del Calvario Association, Antonio Aniorte, wanted to highlight the return to normality in the development of all activities, after these festivities have been restricted for the last two years.

Torrevieja recovers the pyromusical show of the night of San Juan 2022

Torrevieja recovers the pyromusical show of the night of San Juan 2022
Torrevieja will once again celebrate the Night of San Juan with the firing of a pyromusical show that will take place next Thursday, June 23, at 11:30 p.m., from the pools of the Paseo Marítimo de Juan Aparicio.

The comparsa "Martínez Ares", first prize of the Cádiz Carnival 2022, will perform at the fourth carnival festival "Ciudad de Torrevieja-Costa Blanca"

The comparsa "Martínez Ares", first prize of the Cádiz Carnival 2022, will perform at the fourth carnival festival "Ciudad de Torrevieja-Costa Blanca"
One more year Torrevieja will once again enjoy the best of Cádiz's carnival groups, in the fourth edition of the "Ciudad de Torrevieja-Costa Blanca" Carnival Festival, organized by the Chirigota de Torrevieja "Los Sangochaos" with the support of the Municipal Institute of Culture “Joaquín Chapaprieta”, the Provincial Tourist Board “Costa Blanca” and Agamed.

Commissioning of public lighting in

Commissioning of public lighting in
The councilor for Quality of Urban Services of the City Council of Torrevieja, Sandra Sánchez, informs that in the park located next to Maese Pedro street, a public lighting installation has been put into operation. For this, Sandra Sánchez points out, action has been taken on the command center that provides service to the area, repairing it and replacing the elements that were damaged, including the placement of all the magneto-thermal and differential protections of the two circuits it has and other elements such as the general switch, contactor and astronomical clock, taking advantage of the cabinet that was in optimal condition.

Meeting with residents of Rocajuna to discuss citizen security issues

Meeting with residents of Rocajuna to discuss citizen security issues
Yesterday morning, Tuesday, a meeting was organized with the residents of Torresur, an area of the Rocajuna urbanization, with a majority of British residents, with the presence of the deputy mayor of the Torrevieja City Council, Rosario Martínez, the Councilor for Security and Emergencies, Federico Alarcón, and the mayor of International Residents, Gitte Lund Thomsen, and in which members of the Civil Guard and the Torrevieja Local Police were also present.

Agamed's 2022 infrastructure plan has an investment of 2,627,389 euros

Agamed's 2022 infrastructure plan has an investment of 2,627,389 euros
The mayor of Torrevieja and president of the Board of Directors of AGAMED, Eduardo Dolón, has informed of the investments approved in the first Council of the year, held in January 2022, to be carried out by Aguas del Arco Mediterráneo with the determination to continue in the improvement of the infrastructures of the Potable Water Distribution Network and the Sanitation and Sewage Network and the Municipal Rainwater Network.

The University of Alicante works on the creation of marketable biomass from wastewater or saline

The University of Alicante works on the creation of marketable biomass from wastewater or saline
The team of researchers from the University of Alicante, led by Professor Rosa María Martínez Espinosa, is studying the use of halophilic microorganisms to clean contaminated water and brines before they are returned to the sea. Microorganisms consume these contaminants as food and make them disappear. At the same time, they create a biomass that can be used to make bioplastics. A raw material that can replace polluting plastics.

The Municipal Natural Park Molino del Agua advances in the recovery of sainares and coastal threads

The Municipal Natural Park Molino del Agua advances in the recovery of sainares and coastal threads
The Association of Naturalists of the Southeast (ANSE), with the support of NaturGreen and under the direction of the Department of the Environment of the City Council of Torrevieja, directed by Antonio Vidal, has been advancing in the recovery of the plant formations of the Municipal Natural Park Molino del Water in La Mata. During the 2022 campaign, the implantation of 500 seedlings of dune species is planned in order to improve the vegetation cover and recover threatened species or species that became extinct in the province of Alicante.

Torrevieja begins the year with 87,901 registered inhabitants, 49,807 of Spanish origin and 38,094 from abroad

Torrevieja begins the year with 87,901 registered inhabitants, 49,807 of Spanish origin and 38,094 from abroad
According to the statistical data on population and evolution of the Municipal Register of the City Council, the city of Torrevieja has started the year 2022 with a total of 87,901 registered inhabitants, of which 49,807 (56.6%) are of Spanish origin, while the rest , 38,094 (43.4%) come from abroad.

The Department of Parties will not hold the New Year's Eve celebration in the Plaza de la Constitución

The Department of Parties will not hold the New Year's Eve celebration in the Plaza de la Constitución
Both appointments were scheduled to be held in the Plaza de la Constitución - El Escenario de la Plaza - on Thursday 30 and Friday 31 December, respectively. The Department of Fiestas has expressed its regret at having to adopt this decision, especially since it is not possible to guarantee the permanent use of the mask, since it is about events that celebrate the traditional farewell and welcome of the year with grapes. , toast and congratulations of rigor

Russian speaking community activities

Russian speaking community activities
The Mir Odin association of Russian speakers organizes several activities in Plaza Encarnación Puchol in La Mata in collaboration with the Department of International Residents.