
Workshop Keys to success for entrepreneurship

Workshop Keys to success for entrepreneurship
Have you ever considered working for yourself and starting a business? In just 2 hours, experts from the European Center for Innovative Companies (CEEI Alcoy-Valencia) will be in charge of laying the foundations to speed up the process of turning your idea into a company.

Conference Aid for innovative companies: NEOTEC 2023 Call

Conference Aid for innovative companies: NEOTEC 2023 Call
CEEI VALENCIA, IVACE, CEV and REDIT organize this informative conference on initiatives to support innovative entrepreneurs and SMEs. CDTI will present the new NEOTEC 2023 call and will meet with attendees who previously request it to resolve general questions about it. Friday, March 31, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in the CEV Assembly Hall, C/ Hernán Cortés, 4, 46004 Valencia.

Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Property protection and financing

Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Property protection and financing
The CEEI Alcoy (Plaza Emilio Sala, 1 - 2nd floor) will host, free of charge, prior registration, the Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Protection of property and financing on March 9 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Conference Boost your business with R+D+i

Conference Boost your business with R+D+i
The CEEI of Valencia will host the Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Protection of property and financing on March 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Entrepreneurship with impact: the companies of tomorrow

Entrepreneurship with impact: the companies of tomorrow
On this day, the program will be announced, hand in hand with the CEEI Elche and entrepreneurial experiences that participated in the Llamp Ames 2023 Program.