
The City Council adheres to the Provincial Council's line of granting aid to minimize the economic impact of the current energy crisis

The City Council adheres to the Provincial Council's line of granting aid to minimize the economic impact of the current energy crisis
This morning, the Councilor for Economy and Finance of the Torrevieja City Council, Domingo Paredes, has asked the Provincial Council of Alicante to adhere to the line of granting aid aimed at minimizing the economic impact that the energy crisis is having on SMEs, micro-SMEs, small self-employed entrepreneurs and professionals from their municipalities for the 2022 annuity.

Presented the first cycling campus "City of Torrevieja", promoted by the Torrevieja cyclist Sandra Alonso

Presented the first cycling campus "City of Torrevieja", promoted by the Torrevieja cyclist Sandra Alonso
The Councilor for Sports of the City Council of Torrevieja, Diana Box, together with the Torrevieja cyclist, Sandra Alonso, and the director of the campus, Juan Francisco Andreu, have presented today the first cycling campus "City of Torrevieja", which It will take place on November 11, 12 and 13. A campus that is intended for boys and girls between 8 and 16 years old, and will be directed by Juan Francisco Andreu and will have Sandra Alonso as its ambassador.

The deadline for submitting applications for grants to local sports entities is open. 2022 annuity.

The deadline for submitting applications for grants to local sports entities is open. 2022 annuity.
The Councilor for Sports of the City Council of Torrevieja, Diana Box Alonso, informs that the deadline for submitting applications for subsidies to sports entities in the town, annuity 2022, has already been opened. The deadline for submitting applications is 10 business days, so it will end next Monday, July 11.

Today, the "Torrevieja Weekend" begins

Today, the "Torrevieja Weekend" begins
The parade will be animated and set by the designer Eduardo Navarrete, the performances of Pepa Charro, (La Terremoto de Alcorcón) and the singer Ricky Merino, as well as the actress Mélani Olivares

Fashion, local commerce and celebrities, arrives the Torrevieja Weekend

Fashion, local commerce and celebrities, arrives the Torrevieja Weekend
The "Torrevieja Weekend" was created with the aim of reactivating and promoting local trades and the niche crafts of the Costa Blanca, where from June 24 to 26 different activities will be carried out with celebrities and the press that involve the know-how of the flagship points of commerce in Torrevieja, in addition to making the longest parade in Spain within the Gala del Comercio and turning the Real Club Náutico into the setting for a fashion shooting.

Torrevieja hosts the first "Climate for Change" meeting organized by Hidraqua and the University of Alicante.

Torrevieja hosts the first "Climate for Change" meeting organized by Hidraqua and the University of Alicante.
The City Council of Torrevieja, Agamed, Hidraqua, and the University of Alicante have organized today, Thursday, at the Palacio de la Música, a round table to address the steps that are being taken and what measures to adopt in the fight against the climate crisis. This session has had the participation of Eduardo Dolón, mayor of Torrevieja; Jorge Ballesta, director of Agamed; and Marco A. Celdrán, Doctor in Tourism from the University of Alicante; and has been moderated by Norberto Mazón, director of the Headquarters of the University of Alicante in Torrevieja.

More than 2000 students have gathered today at the Torrevieja Sports Palace for the closing ceremony of the Municipal Sports Schools

More than 2000 students have gathered today at the Torrevieja Sports Palace for the closing ceremony of the Municipal Sports Schools
Today, May 27, at 6:00 p.m., the closing of the 2021/22 Sports Schools was held at the “Tavi y Carmona” Sports Palace. From the City Council of Torrevieja, through the Department of Sports, we want to recognize the more than 2,000 students of the Municipal Sports Schools, municipal sports programs "Sport for All", the educational centers, entities that are within the structure of the Ciudad Deportiva and local clubs that work for grassroots sports.

In the next few days a contract for the collection of domestic birds in urban spaces of Torrevieja begins

In the next few days a contract for the collection of domestic birds in urban spaces of Torrevieja begins
In the next few days, and after its approval tomorrow, Friday, by the Local Government Board (JGL), a contract will come into operation for the control of birds in the municipality of Torrevieja, with which it will try to lessen the effects of domestic birds. of corral that exist in various parks and areas of the city.