
The Paseo Vistalegre hosted a spectacular morning handball

The Paseo Vistalegre hosted a spectacular morning handball
More than 300 athletes gathered near the port of Torrevieja to enjoy outdoor sports from all over the province of Alicante. From the youngest to the most veteran, they could enjoy the four enabled courts, in addition to the gaming area specialized in handball within the FBMCV's commitment to innovation in collaboration with Valengame.

The process for the election of Queen and Lady of Salt 2021/2022 begins

The process for the election of Queen and Lady of Salt 2021/2022 begins
From the celebration of this day the juries will be able to have a more direct knowledge with the applicants to be the first representatives of the Torrevieja festivities. His election and coronation, as has been customary for a few years, will occur at the dawn of the celebration of new patron saint festivities in honor of La Purísima Concepción.

Inauguration of the exhibition "Carpet and Carpet of Crevillent" that houses the Vista Alegre exhibition hall from November 4 to 21

Inauguration of the exhibition "Carpet and Carpet of Crevillent" that houses the Vista Alegre exhibition hall from November 4 to 21
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, together with the Councilor for Culture, José Antonio Quesada, and the manager of the Municipal Institute of Culture, Miguel Fernández, have inaugurated this morning the exhibition "Carpet and Carpet of Crevillent" with the presence of the President of UNIFAN, Eduardo Díaz, and the Provincial Deputy for Environment and Energy, Miguel Ángel Sánchez. The exhibition has the participation of 10 Crevillent companies, seven of them manufacturers of rugs and carpets and three belonging to the auxiliary industry, specifically the preparation of dyes, yarns and textile design.

Presented the day "Handbol al carrer" that will take place this Sunday, November 7, at Paseo Vista Alegre from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Presented the day "Handbol al carrer" that will take place this Sunday, November 7, at Paseo Vista Alegre from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, together with the Councilor for Sports, Diana Box and the manager of the Valencian Handball Federation, Miguel Ángel Valero, have presented this morning the day of "Handbol al carrer" that will be held this Sunday, November 7, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Paseo Vista Alegre. An activity that is part of the actions that are being developed on the occasion of the celebration in Torrevieja of the XXV Women's Handball World Cup, the first to be held in Spain.

Presentado el 26º Certamen Juvenil de Habaneras, que se celebrará el 6 de noviembre en el Teatro Municipal

Presentado el 26º Certamen Juvenil de Habaneras, que se celebrará el 6 de noviembre en el Teatro Municipal
El nombre de muchas ciudades importantes, tanto de nuestro país como del resto del mundo, viene ligado al de una actividad cultural o artística que se celebra en la misma, y en las que el evento y la ciudad se encuentran indefectiblemente ligados. Por tal motivo viene siendo habitual y, por lo tanto, costumbre, que tras 25 años de singladura, volvamos a ser importantes y por eso, en el día de hoy, presentaremos el 26º CERTAMEN JUVENIL DE HABANERAS, ese “pequeño” Certamen que en el año 1995 veía la luz como complemento al Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonía, ya es “grande” y referencia Internacional para coros juveniles e infantiles tanto dentro como fuera de nuestras fronteras.

Tickets for the 2021 Women's Handball World Championship go on sale

Tickets for the 2021 Women's Handball World Championship go on sale
Tickets for the Women's Handball World Championship that will be held from December 1 to 19 in Torrevieja, Granollers, Castelló and Llíria can be obtained, starting today, Thursday, through the Marcaentradas portal.

The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) delivers to the city council the final report of the technical-scientific study on therapeutic uses of the brine and peloids of the Laguna Rosa de Torrevieja

The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) delivers to the city council the final report of the technical-scientific study on therapeutic uses of the brine and peloids of the Laguna Rosa de Torrevieja
The UCM Research Group "911757 MEDICAL HYDROLOGY" directed by Dr. Francisco de Paula Maraver Eyzaguirre, Director of the Professional School of Medical Hydrology and Hydrotherapy, Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University, delivers the final report of the technical-scientific study on Therapeutic uses of brine and peloids from the Laguna Rosa de Torrevieja.