
Torrevieja begins the year with 87,901 registered inhabitants, 49,807 of Spanish origin and 38,094 from abroad

Torrevieja begins the year with 87,901 registered inhabitants, 49,807 of Spanish origin and 38,094 from abroad
According to the statistical data on population and evolution of the Municipal Register of the City Council, the city of Torrevieja has started the year 2022 with a total of 87,901 registered inhabitants, of which 49,807 (56.6%) are of Spanish origin, while the rest , 38,094 (43.4%) come from abroad.

Tomorrow it will be presented at the theater "The gift 2. The story of the habanera"

Tomorrow it will be presented at the theater "The gift 2. The story of the habanera"
The Councilor for Culture of the Torrevieja City Council, Antonio Quesada, informs that "The gift 2. The tale of the habanera", written by Amparo Cos and illustrated by Víctor García, will be presented tomorrow, Friday, at 7:00 p.m., at the Municipal Theater .

Today has started the activity of "Lola in the cabbages" in the educational centers of Torrevieja

Today has started the activity of "Lola in the cabbages" in the educational centers of Torrevieja
The Councilor for Sports, Diana Box, accompanied the XXV Women's Handball World Cup mascot "Lola" to visit the Virgen del Carmen school this morning. This activity is included within the actions that have been planned for the celebration of this sporting event that is based in Torrevieja.

Second appointment of the cycle "Dialogues in the Territory" at the Torrevieja University Venue next Thursday, November 25

Second appointment of the cycle "Dialogues in the Territory" at the Torrevieja University Venue next Thursday, November 25
The Torrevieja Venue will host this Thursday, November 25, the second conference of the "Dialogues in the Territory" Cycle organized by the University of Alicante at its university venues. Specifically, this appointment will take place at the Torrevieja Headquarters, located in the "Virgen del Carmen" Cultural Center at 7:00 p.m., with the conference "From the Torrevieja Lagoon to industry and medicine", by Rosa Mª Martínez Espinosa, professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Biochemistry of the University of Alicante, with the presentation by Ricardo Recuero, Councilor for Innovation of the Torrevieja City Council.

The Higher Sports Council grants the City Council € 933,525 for the integral work of the Sports Palace and the Handball World Cup

The Higher Sports Council grants the City Council € 933,525 for the integral work of the Sports Palace and the Handball World Cup
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, reports that the Higher Sports Council (CSD), dependent on the Ministry of Culture and Sports, has granted the City Council almost one million euros (933,525 euros) within the aid that is allocated to "corporations local and municipal public companies in 2021 for accessibility works and works in sports infrastructures related to the celebration of international competitions ”.

The Paseo Vistalegre hosted a spectacular morning handball

The Paseo Vistalegre hosted a spectacular morning handball
More than 300 athletes gathered near the port of Torrevieja to enjoy outdoor sports from all over the province of Alicante. From the youngest to the most veteran, they could enjoy the four enabled courts, in addition to the gaming area specialized in handball within the FBMCV's commitment to innovation in collaboration with Valengame.

Torrevieja City Council attends the International Safe and Sustainable Mobility Show

Torrevieja City Council attends the International Safe and Sustainable Mobility Show
The Councilor for Infrastructure, Sandra Sánchez, and the Councilor for Mobility, Federico Alarcón, attended a new edition of Trafic last Tuesday, November 2, under the slogan "Connect to urban mobility", in which the focus on the Strategy for Safe, Sustainable and Connected Mobility 2030, according to the objectives set by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, MITMA, and the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, MITERD.

Presented the day "Handbol al carrer" that will take place this Sunday, November 7, at Paseo Vista Alegre from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Presented the day "Handbol al carrer" that will take place this Sunday, November 7, at Paseo Vista Alegre from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, together with the Councilor for Sports, Diana Box and the manager of the Valencian Handball Federation, Miguel Ángel Valero, have presented this morning the day of "Handbol al carrer" that will be held this Sunday, November 7, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Paseo Vista Alegre. An activity that is part of the actions that are being developed on the occasion of the celebration in Torrevieja of the XXV Women's Handball World Cup, the first to be held in Spain.

Tickets for the 2021 Women's Handball World Championship go on sale

Tickets for the 2021 Women's Handball World Championship go on sale
Tickets for the Women's Handball World Championship that will be held from December 1 to 19 in Torrevieja, Granollers, Castelló and Llíria can be obtained, starting today, Thursday, through the Marcaentradas portal.

The city council will renew a large part of the public lighting in the urban area of Torrevieja and the southern area of La Mata

The city council will renew a large part of the public lighting in the urban area of Torrevieja and the southern area of La Mata
A total of 1,190 luminaires will be replaced thanks to a subsidy of 912,620 euros granted by the Alicante Provincial Council.The new LED luminaires have an energy saving forecast of 53%, which will mean the saving of more than 70,000 euros in monetary value yearly on the electricity bill

Visit of the team of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA)

Visit of the team of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA)
The Laguna Rosa has been used for the extraction of salt and, more recently, a tourist use of the immediate surroundings has begun. However, uses such as hydrotherapeutic, cosmetic and biotechnological have not been explored to date Diversifying the Torrevieja economy was one of the conclusions of the Torrevieja Strategic Tourism Plan, which points out the opportunity to work on endogenous resources that provide Torrevieja with differentiating elements and constitute competitive advantages to attract entrepreneurial talent and generate qualified employment The Torrevieja City Council has commissioned the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA) to carry out a technical-legal study on the viability of these new uses

€ 73,000 allocated to scholarships for local athletes for the year 2021

€ 73,000 allocated to scholarships for local athletes for the year 2021
The Councilor for Sports of the Torrevieja City Council, Diana Box Alonso, reports that on July 2 the bases of the Scholarships for Local Athletes were approved, annuity 2021, for an amount of 73,000 euros, which represents an increase compared to the season 22% pass.