
The CQ Torrevieja Amateur Radio Association signs a collaboration agreement with Agamed to give visibility to the need for water in the world

The CQ Torrevieja Amateur Radio Association signs a collaboration agreement with Agamed to give visibility to the need for water in the world
The Cultural Association of Radio Amateurs CQ Torrevieja has signed a collaboration agreement with AGAMED to give visibility to the global need for water. In the agreement, which has been developing for five years, the Torrevieja City Council collaborates through the Municipal Institute of Culture "Joaquín Chapaprieta", and has a clear objective: to raise awareness about the global water crisis, through the waves, contacting people from all over the world.

The Department of Education together with the IES Mare Nostrum, Agamed and Ars Creatio develop a heritage recovery project for the vineyards in La Mata

The Department of Education together with the IES Mare Nostrum, Agamed and Ars Creatio develop a heritage recovery project for the vineyards in La Mata
The Councilor for Education of the City Council of Torrevieja, Ricardo Recuero, together with representatives of AGAMED, the ARS CREATIO association and students from 16 to 18 years of Professional Training in Agricultural Gardening and Floral Compositions from the IES MARE NOSTRUM, have participated in the heritage recovery project of the vineyards in La Mata, which has been developed this morning in the Natural Park of La Mata in front of the cemetery of this district of Torrevieja.

The Department of the Environment removes several tons of the invasive plant Uña de gato from the dunes of La Mata

The Department of the Environment removes several tons of the invasive plant Uña de gato from the dunes of La Mata
The Councilor for Beaches and the Environment of the City Council of Torrevieja, Antonio Vidal, informs that the operators of these departments have carried out in the coastal area of the district of La Mata the removal of several tons of Cat's Claw or Knife Grass, Carpobrotus edulis (yellow flower), cataloged as an invasive plant in scientific manuals and in the lists of public administrations.

The mayor and the Councilor for Education hold a coordination meeting with the representatives of the FAPA Gabriel Miró

The mayor and the Councilor for Education hold a coordination meeting with the representatives of the FAPA Gabriel Miró
Among the next projects that the City Council of Torrevieja will maintain with the FAPA Gabriel Miró, possible collaboration agreements are included to favor the development of the activities of the educational community. Likewise, Ricardo Recuero has informed them of the School Absenteeism Plan that the Department of Education will present shortly, and has explained the actions foreseen in the Edificant Plan with an investment of more than 12 million euros, and that they will be developed at IES Libertas, IES Las Lagunas, IES Torrevigía and Colegio Público Virgen del Carmen.

Four actions provided for in the Edificant Plan with an investment of more than 12 million euros approved in an information committee

Four actions provided for in the Edificant Plan with an investment of more than 12 million euros approved in an information committee
The Councilor for Education, Ricardo Recuero, reports that the City Council of Torrevieja has approved this morning in the Informative Commission, the delegation of powers to the Generalitat Valenciana of 4 of the 15 actions planned in the EDIFICANT PROGRAM. These important actions, which represent an investment amounting to a total of 12,110,652 euros, will be developed at IES Libertas, IES Las Lagunas, IES Torrevigía and Colegio Público Virgen del Carmen.

The Municipal Natural Park Molino del Agua advances in the recovery of sainares and coastal threads

The Municipal Natural Park Molino del Agua advances in the recovery of sainares and coastal threads
The Association of Naturalists of the Southeast (ANSE), with the support of NaturGreen and under the direction of the Department of the Environment of the City Council of Torrevieja, directed by Antonio Vidal, has been advancing in the recovery of the plant formations of the Municipal Natural Park Molino del Water in La Mata. During the 2022 campaign, the implantation of 500 seedlings of dune species is planned in order to improve the vegetation cover and recover threatened species or species that became extinct in the province of Alicante.

Blessing of animals on Monday, January 17, on the occasion of the celebration of San Antón

Blessing of animals on Monday, January 17, on the occasion of the celebration of San Antón
Due to the situation of the health pandemic, this year the concentration of animals and owners will not be held in Concepción Street to go to the Parroquia de la Inmaculada, but the street will be cut in the section near the temple. In the Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón, this cut will not be necessary due to the width of the Plaza de Oriente. From the Department of Animal Protection it is recalled that to participate in the blessing it will be necessary to use a mask and the corresponding safety distance between all participating people. Councilor Concha Sala appreciates the collaboration of both the parish priests of the Immaculate Conception and the Sacred Heart to maintain the tradition of Saint Anthony's Day and thanks in advance the members of the Local Police and Civil Protection, who will observe that the development of this activity is carried out in complete safety.

Agamed and Alimentos Solidarios, united to support the most vulnerable and promote sustainability thanks to the digital invoice

Agamed and Alimentos Solidarios, united to support the most vulnerable and promote sustainability thanks to the digital invoice
AGAMED, the mixed economy company formed by the Torrevieja City Council and Hidraqua, has signed a collaboration agreement with Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja to launch an initiative to help those most vulnerable groups and promote sustainability among citizens. The company agrees to donate 1 euro to Alimentos Solidarios for each client who requests the digital invoice before June 5, 2022, World Environment Day.

The Department of Parties will not hold the New Year's Eve celebration in the Plaza de la Constitución

The Department of Parties will not hold the New Year's Eve celebration in the Plaza de la Constitución
Both appointments were scheduled to be held in the Plaza de la Constitución - El Escenario de la Plaza - on Thursday 30 and Friday 31 December, respectively. The Department of Fiestas has expressed its regret at having to adopt this decision, especially since it is not possible to guarantee the permanent use of the mask, since it is about events that celebrate the traditional farewell and welcome of the year with grapes. , toast and congratulations of rigor

Russian speaking community activities

Russian speaking community activities
The Mir Odin association of Russian speakers organizes several activities in Plaza Encarnación Puchol in La Mata in collaboration with the Department of International Residents.

Presented the third edition of the "Consumer Bonus"

Presented the third edition of the "Consumer Bonus"
On December 1, the face-to-face sale of 3.0 bonds will open at the Office of Commerce and Occupation of Public Roads. On Friday, December 3 from 4:00 p.m., the online sale will open. The sum of the three editions amounts to a total investment by the Torrevieja City Council of 1,500,000 euros, which represents an economic impact of 3,000,000 euros

Today has started the activity of "Lola in the cabbages" in the educational centers of Torrevieja

Today has started the activity of "Lola in the cabbages" in the educational centers of Torrevieja
The Councilor for Sports, Diana Box, accompanied the XXV Women's Handball World Cup mascot "Lola" to visit the Virgen del Carmen school this morning. This activity is included within the actions that have been planned for the celebration of this sporting event that is based in Torrevieja.

On Saturday, December 4, the Gymkhanica of the Patron Saint Festivities 2021 is celebrated

On Saturday, December 4, the Gymkhanica of the Patron Saint Festivities 2021 is celebrated
The Youth Council of the Torrevieja City Council presents the seventh edition of the popular Gymkhanica, under the slogan "We do not lose charamitaso". It is an activity that is part of the Patron Saint Festivities 2021, which is aimed at young people between the ages of 14 and 30, and which will be held on Saturday, December 4, departing from the Youth Information and Animation Center (CIAJ) .

The Department of Education launches for the second consecutive year the dining scholarships to students who do not have access to the scholarships of the Ministry of Education

The Department of Education launches for the second consecutive year the dining scholarships to students who do not have access to the scholarships of the Ministry of Education
The Councilor for Education of the Torrevieja City Council, Ricardo Recuero, the president of Rotary Club Torrevieja, Luis Andreu; The representative of the Humanitarian Foundation of Spanish Rotarians, Ricardo Molina, and the deputy manager of AGAMED, Gemma Cruz, have presented this morning the second call for the Comedor Scholarships for children in the city who have not been able to have access to scholarships granted by the Ministry of Education of the Generalitat.

The Higher Sports Council grants the City Council € 933,525 for the integral work of the Sports Palace and the Handball World Cup

The Higher Sports Council grants the City Council € 933,525 for the integral work of the Sports Palace and the Handball World Cup
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, reports that the Higher Sports Council (CSD), dependent on the Ministry of Culture and Sports, has granted the City Council almost one million euros (933,525 euros) within the aid that is allocated to "corporations local and municipal public companies in 2021 for accessibility works and works in sports infrastructures related to the celebration of international competitions ”.