Resultados de la búsqueda


Inauguration of six new officials to cover

The six interim officials have sworn or promised their position in the presence of the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, affirming that they faithfully fulfill the obligations of the post of Gene

Servef Torrevieja

- The SERVEF Employment Centers are intended to promote the labor insertion of workers, primarily those who are unemployed, offering comprehensive services and programs to job seekers and companies

Hippie Walk Torrevieja

The Mercadillo de los Hippies de Torrevieja has been held for a long time on the Paseo de la Libertad, but since 2018 the city council is considering the possibility of its transfer to the Dique de

Constituted the Municipal Tourism Council

The Regulatory Law of the Bases of Local Regime 20.3 grants autonomy to the municipalities to establish and regulate their complementary organization, the Sector Councils, as a complementary body o