
Full approval of the modification of credits worth 14,300,791 euros

Full approval of the modification of credits worth 14,300,791 euros
In the Extraordinary Plenary Session held today, the modification of credits to the 2024 Budget of the Torrevieja City Council, which amounts to 13,970,791 euros, and of the “Joaquín Chapaprieta” Municipal Institute of Culture, for an amount of 330,000 euros, was initially approved. In total, a budget modification of 14,300,791 euros, which included votes in favor of the Municipal Group of the Popular Party and VOX and votes against the PSOE and Sueña Torrevieja.

Torrevieja will celebrate the night of the Bonfires of San Juan on its beaches on June 23

Torrevieja will celebrate the night of the Bonfires of San Juan on its beaches on June 23
The Councilor for Beaches, Antonio Vidal, has announced that the city of Torrevieja will celebrate this coming Friday, June 23, the traditional night of Bonfires of San Juan on its beaches. Vidal has reported that there are many citizens of Torrevieja who enjoy this popular festival on our beaches and which serves as the starting signal for summer, becoming a special party enjoyed by both young and old.

The contract for the integral maintenance service of the beaches of Torrevieja goes out to tender for 531,132 euros per year

The contract for the integral maintenance service of the beaches of Torrevieja goes out to tender for 531,132 euros per year
The councilor secretary of the Local Government Board, Federico Alarcón, together with the councilor for Beaches, Antonio Vidal, reported this morning that JGL has approved the contracting of the Integral Beach Maintenance Service, excluding plant elements, for an amount of 531,132.61 euros per year, with a four-year contract, which represents a total investment of 2,124,530.44 euros. A contract that has the possibility of being extended for another year.

Tomorrow the new surveillance, rescue and first aid service begins on the beaches of Torrevieja

Tomorrow the new surveillance, rescue and first aid service begins on the beaches of Torrevieja
The Councilor for Beaches of the Torrevieja City Council, Antonio Vidal, has informed that tomorrow, Saturday, April 1, the new Surveillance, Rescue and Lifeguard Service begins on the beaches, which was awarded to the company EULEN for an amount of 736,920 euros per month. year (VAT included), the contract being four years plus one extension, which represents a total investment of 3,684,600 euros.

409 local companies obtain aid from the Provincial Council for the payment of electricity, gas and fuel to minimize the economic impact caused by the energy crisis

409 local companies obtain aid from the Provincial Council for the payment of electricity, gas and fuel to minimize the economic impact caused by the energy crisis
The Councilor for Public Works, Employment and Local Development of the Torrevieja City Council, Domingo Paredes, reports that once the established deadline for admission of applications for a line of aid to SMEs, micro-SMEs and the self-employed has expired, in order to minimize the economic impact and social that this energy crisis is assuming for these groups, a total of 409 applications from Torrevieja companies have submitted the required documentation and meet the established requirements of the call carried out by the Provincial Council of Alicante.

Entrepreneurship support agents request public-private participation structures for revitalization in the territory

Entrepreneurship support agents request public-private participation structures for revitalization in the territory
"Participation structures are spaces for debate with a vocation for continuity that need two elements: on the one hand, channels or bodies capable of attracting citizens with the intention of contributing their proposals in favor of the improvement or implementation of projects On the other, the existence of structures or figures in the Administration that favor this participation. For this, it is also necessary to create points of intersection that allow connecting public organizations with citizen participation."