
Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Property protection and financing

Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Property protection and financing
The CEEI Alcoy (Plaza Emilio Sala, 1 - 2nd floor) will host, free of charge, prior registration, the Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Protection of property and financing on March 9 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Conference Boost your business with R+D+i

Conference Boost your business with R+D+i
The CEEI of Valencia will host the Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Protection of property and financing on March 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Entrepreneurship with impact: the companies of tomorrow

Entrepreneurship with impact: the companies of tomorrow
On this day, the program will be announced, hand in hand with the CEEI Elche and entrepreneurial experiences that participated in the Llamp Ames 2023 Program.

Paseo Vista Alegre hosts the photographic exhibition "Journey to a singular destination"

Paseo Vista Alegre hosts the photographic exhibition "Journey to a singular destination"
The Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Tourism of the Torrevieja City Council, Rosario Martínez, the Councilor for Culture, Antonio Quesada, the commercial delegate of La Verdad, Ana Belén Rodríguez, and the Councilor for Tourism of Abanilla, María Dolores Saurín, have inaugurated the photographic exhibition itinerant "Journey to a unique destination", which shows the cultural, environmental and heritage heritage of the northeast of the Region of Murcia in a collection of 28 images.

Need for Cybersecurity in Digital Transformation

Need for Cybersecurity in Digital Transformation
The Smart Digital Cycle was born from the collaboration of different professional associations with the vision of highlighting the need for digitization in all areas. The objective of the Smart Digital Cycle is to publicize enabling technologies, show success stories, identify digital talent and promote the digital maturation of organizations.

Culture signs an educational cooperation agreement regulating external practices with the Valencian International University (VIU)

Culture signs an educational cooperation agreement regulating external practices with the Valencian International University (VIU)
The Councilor for Culture of the Torrevieja City Council, Antonio Quesada, reports that last Tuesday, February 14, the Governing Board of the "Joaquín Chapaprieta" Municipal Institute of Culture approved in extraordinary session the REGULATORY EDUCATIONAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR EXTERNAL PRACTICES with the Valencian International University (VIU).

How to apply creative thinking in business

How to apply creative thinking in business
Since we are born and during our childhood, we do not stop creating and imagining. We don't care if a car runs through the wall or if a Jurassic dinosaur is the evil character that attacks a ninja princess in a medieval castle. There are no limits to the imagination.

The planting of native species begins in the Natural Park on the occasion of Arbor Day 2023

The planting of native species begins in the Natural Park on the occasion of Arbor Day 2023
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, together with the Councilor for the Environment, Antonio Vidal, the mayor of Education, Ricardo Recuero, the director-conservator of the Lagunas de La Mata-Torrevieja Natural Park, Francisco Martínez, and the deputy manager from AGAMED, Gemma Cruz, has participated this morning in a planting and regeneration of trees in the Lagunas de La Mata y Torrevieja Natural Park, which is being carried out on the occasion of the celebration of Tree Day 2023. Some actions that are carried out throughout today, Tuesday, January 31, and tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1, for schoolchildren from the 14 educational centers of Torrevieja, and that is going to become one of the most participatory and important plantations in recent years in the Valencian Community.