
Blessing of animals on Monday, January 17, on the occasion of the celebration of San Antón

Blessing of animals on Monday, January 17, on the occasion of the celebration of San Antón
Due to the situation of the health pandemic, this year the concentration of animals and owners will not be held in Concepción Street to go to the Parroquia de la Inmaculada, but the street will be cut in the section near the temple. In the Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón, this cut will not be necessary due to the width of the Plaza de Oriente. From the Department of Animal Protection it is recalled that to participate in the blessing it will be necessary to use a mask and the corresponding safety distance between all participating people. Councilor Concha Sala appreciates the collaboration of both the parish priests of the Immaculate Conception and the Sacred Heart to maintain the tradition of Saint Anthony's Day and thanks in advance the members of the Local Police and Civil Protection, who will observe that the development of this activity is carried out in complete safety.

Agamed and Alimentos Solidarios, united to support the most vulnerable and promote sustainability thanks to the digital invoice

Agamed and Alimentos Solidarios, united to support the most vulnerable and promote sustainability thanks to the digital invoice
AGAMED, the mixed economy company formed by the Torrevieja City Council and Hidraqua, has signed a collaboration agreement with Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja to launch an initiative to help those most vulnerable groups and promote sustainability among citizens. The company agrees to donate 1 euro to Alimentos Solidarios for each client who requests the digital invoice before June 5, 2022, World Environment Day.

The Department of Parties will not hold the New Year's Eve celebration in the Plaza de la Constitución

The Department of Parties will not hold the New Year's Eve celebration in the Plaza de la Constitución
Both appointments were scheduled to be held in the Plaza de la Constitución - El Escenario de la Plaza - on Thursday 30 and Friday 31 December, respectively. The Department of Fiestas has expressed its regret at having to adopt this decision, especially since it is not possible to guarantee the permanent use of the mask, since it is about events that celebrate the traditional farewell and welcome of the year with grapes. , toast and congratulations of rigor

Russian speaking community activities

Russian speaking community activities
The Mir Odin association of Russian speakers organizes several activities in Plaza Encarnación Puchol in La Mata in collaboration with the Department of International Residents.

Presented the third edition of the "Consumer Bonus"

Presented the third edition of the "Consumer Bonus"
On December 1, the face-to-face sale of 3.0 bonds will open at the Office of Commerce and Occupation of Public Roads. On Friday, December 3 from 4:00 p.m., the online sale will open. The sum of the three editions amounts to a total investment by the Torrevieja City Council of 1,500,000 euros, which represents an economic impact of 3,000,000 euros

On Saturday, December 4, the Gymkhanica of the Patron Saint Festivities 2021 is celebrated

On Saturday, December 4, the Gymkhanica of the Patron Saint Festivities 2021 is celebrated
The Youth Council of the Torrevieja City Council presents the seventh edition of the popular Gymkhanica, under the slogan "We do not lose charamitaso". It is an activity that is part of the Patron Saint Festivities 2021, which is aimed at young people between the ages of 14 and 30, and which will be held on Saturday, December 4, departing from the Youth Information and Animation Center (CIAJ) .

The Department of Education launches for the second consecutive year the dining scholarships to students who do not have access to the scholarships of the Ministry of Education

The Department of Education launches for the second consecutive year the dining scholarships to students who do not have access to the scholarships of the Ministry of Education
The Councilor for Education of the Torrevieja City Council, Ricardo Recuero, the president of Rotary Club Torrevieja, Luis Andreu; The representative of the Humanitarian Foundation of Spanish Rotarians, Ricardo Molina, and the deputy manager of AGAMED, Gemma Cruz, have presented this morning the second call for the Comedor Scholarships for children in the city who have not been able to have access to scholarships granted by the Ministry of Education of the Generalitat.

The Coronation Gala of the Queen of La Sal will be on Saturday 20

The Coronation Gala of the Queen of La Sal will be on Saturday 20
Next Saturday, November 20, the Gala of Proclamation and Coronation of the Queen of Salt and her Ladies of Honor will take place, which will be organized by the Party Department of the Torrevieja City Council. It will be at eight o'clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Theater when this act begins prior to the celebration of the Patron Saint Festivities in honor of La Purísima Concepción, whose programming will be made public on Monday the 15th. At that event, the current Queen of La Sal, Raquel Tévar Braña and her Bridesmaids, María Cases Alarcón and Cristy Guamán Correa, will give up the witness that began in 1963 in the incoming court. The confirmed candidates are Marta Mesa Vizcaino, Juncal Gómez Rivero and Victoria Magoñ Rodríguez. From this shortlist will come the new Queen of Salt and her Ladies after the day of coexistence that they held last Sunday with the jury. The next meeting with the members of the aforementioned jury will be next Wednesday the 17th and three days later the result of the election will be known.


Subject: Monetary subsidies to associations, municipalities with less than 4000 inhabitants, and consortium 11 A 6 for the collection and transport of waste 2021.

The process for the election of Queen and Lady of Salt 2021/2022 begins

The process for the election of Queen and Lady of Salt 2021/2022 begins
From the celebration of this day the juries will be able to have a more direct knowledge with the applicants to be the first representatives of the Torrevieja festivities. His election and coronation, as has been customary for a few years, will occur at the dawn of the celebration of new patron saint festivities in honor of La Purísima Concepción.

Presented the poster announcing the Carnival of Torrevieja 2022, which will be held from February 4 to March 6

Presented the poster announcing the Carnival of Torrevieja 2022, which will be held from February 4 to March 6
The Torrevieja carnival, which was declared of Autonomous Tourist Interest last May, will return to the streets of Torrevieja next year after a stoppage during this 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The mayor of Fiestas has wanted to encourage all the comparsas and carnivals to be part of this multi-colored festival that runs through the streets of Torrevieja during the month of February. In the words of the president of the association "this is the starting gun for carnival 2022, which we hope we can do with all normality, since everything is already prepared for its celebration."

The university headquarters of the University of Alicante in Torrevieja analyzes in a summer course the importance of the microorganisms of the Pink Lagoon for the natural environment and its potential applications

The university headquarters of the University of Alicante in Torrevieja analyzes in a summer course the importance of the microorganisms of the Pink Lagoon for the natural environment and its potential applications
The Torrevieja headquarters of the UA gave a theoretical-practical Biotechnology-based course focused on knowing the diversity of microorganisms that live in the water column and sediments of the Laguna Rosa de Torrevieja and similar ecosystems, as well as highlighting the importance of microorganisms Extremophiles of these ecosystems in the natural environment.

Visit of the team of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA)

Visit of the team of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA)
The Laguna Rosa has been used for the extraction of salt and, more recently, a tourist use of the immediate surroundings has begun. However, uses such as hydrotherapeutic, cosmetic and biotechnological have not been explored to date Diversifying the Torrevieja economy was one of the conclusions of the Torrevieja Strategic Tourism Plan, which points out the opportunity to work on endogenous resources that provide Torrevieja with differentiating elements and constitute competitive advantages to attract entrepreneurial talent and generate qualified employment The Torrevieja City Council has commissioned the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA) to carry out a technical-legal study on the viability of these new uses

10,662 students begin on Wednesday, September 8, the 2021/2022 school year

10,662 students begin on Wednesday, September 8, the 2021/2022 school year
The Councilor for Education of the Torrevieja City Council, Ricardo Recuero, has released this morning the data for the start of the 2021/2022 school year, which will begin next Wednesday, September 8, with a total of 10,662 students / as and with 100% presence of students in the classrooms. -Children's students: 1878 students. 83 units -Primary students: 4456 students. 183 units -Secondary students: 2,895 students. 106 units -Baccalaureate and FP: 1433 students. 36 Recuero units highlighted that throughout the school year the health measures for the prevention of COVID-19 will be maintained, such as the daily cleaning service during school hours, the COVID-19 health advice to schools, and 12,000 masks will be distributed by all the centers of the town.