
409 local companies obtain aid from the Provincial Council for the payment of electricity, gas and fuel to minimize the economic impact caused by the energy crisis

409 local companies obtain aid from the Provincial Council for the payment of electricity, gas and fuel to minimize the economic impact caused by the energy crisis
The Councilor for Public Works, Employment and Local Development of the Torrevieja City Council, Domingo Paredes, reports that once the established deadline for admission of applications for a line of aid to SMEs, micro-SMEs and the self-employed has expired, in order to minimize the economic impact and social that this energy crisis is assuming for these groups, a total of 409 applications from Torrevieja companies have submitted the required documentation and meet the established requirements of the call carried out by the Provincial Council of Alicante.

Entrepreneurship support agents request public-private participation structures for revitalization in the territory

Entrepreneurship support agents request public-private participation structures for revitalization in the territory
"Participation structures are spaces for debate with a vocation for continuity that need two elements: on the one hand, channels or bodies capable of attracting citizens with the intention of contributing their proposals in favor of the improvement or implementation of projects On the other, the existence of structures or figures in the Administration that favor this participation. For this, it is also necessary to create points of intersection that allow connecting public organizations with citizen participation."

New line of aid for SMEs, micro-SMEs and the self-employed to minimize the economic and social impact of the current energy crisis

New line of aid for SMEs, micro-SMEs and the self-employed to minimize the economic and social impact of the current energy crisis
The deadline for submitting applications will be 10 business days, from the day following the publication of the extract of the call in the BOP, publication that is expected for the fourth week of September (from September 19 to 23)

The Mayor asks the FEMP to participate in the working group that is going to be set up to analyze how to compensate for the drop in income from the capital gains tax

The Mayor asks the FEMP to participate in the working group that is going to be set up to analyze how to compensate for the drop in income from the capital gains tax
After the letter sent to the City Council of Torrevieja by the president of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), Abel Caballero, in which an agreement was reached in the National Commission of Local Administration (CNAL) for the creation of a group of work to analyze how to compensate for the drop in income from the capital gains tax, the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, has formally requested their participation, since the municipality of Torrevieja has been one of the most affected by these jurisprudential and legislative fluctuations.

The City Council will approve tomorrow the most important public employment offer in its history

The City Council will approve tomorrow the most important public employment offer in its history
The Councilor for Human Resources of the Torrevieja City Council, Carmen Gómez Candel, informs that the Local Government Board (JGL) of the Torrevieja City Council will approve tomorrow, Friday, the most important Public Employment Offer in its history, by including up to a total of 229 places , which correspond to the stabilization processes of personnel who have been occupying positions in this administration on an interim basis for years and who have not had, until now, the opportunity to consolidate their jobs.

The ADL organizes 10 free online courses aimed at the unemployed

The ADL organizes 10 free online courses aimed at the unemployed
The Councilor for Employment and Development, Domingo Paredes, reports that the Torrevieja City Council, through the Local Development Agency (ADL) and thanks to the agreement signed with AGAMED, will teach ten free online courses, which will take place between the months of February and May 2022. These are training actions that respond to the needs detected in the city of Torrevieja and try to improve access to employment for its participants.

Awards of the XII Young Entrepreneurs Contest awarded

Awards of the XII Young Entrepreneurs Contest awarded
1st prize € 7,000, awarded to: Alejandro Ramón Plaza Marcos, for the project: The Clothing Plan. Solidarity fashion. 2nd prize € 3,500, awarded to: José Cases Gabín, for the project: Level Up Academia. 3rd prize valued at € 1,500, awarded to: David Ruiz Molina, for the project: Taller de Arquitectura This initiative has been created by the Department of Employment and the Local Development Agency (ADL) to promote and support young entrepreneurs.