
The City Council promotes its II Municipal Plan for Equality of Women and Men.

The City Council promotes its II Municipal Plan for Equality of Women and Men.
The Plan will include a series of measures to guarantee equal opportunities in the areas of conciliation of work, family and personal life, training and implementation of public policies Among other activities, highlights the development of in-depth interviews with personalities from the public sphere , cultural and social of the locality; the organization of group dynamics with representatives of the local associative fabric, as well as the holding of internal work tables with technical staff of the City Council

The university headquarters of the University of Alicante in Torrevieja analyzes in a summer course the importance of the microorganisms of the Pink Lagoon for the natural environment and its potential applications

The university headquarters of the University of Alicante in Torrevieja analyzes in a summer course the importance of the microorganisms of the Pink Lagoon for the natural environment and its potential applications
The Torrevieja headquarters of the UA gave a theoretical-practical Biotechnology-based course focused on knowing the diversity of microorganisms that live in the water column and sediments of the Laguna Rosa de Torrevieja and similar ecosystems, as well as highlighting the importance of microorganisms Extremophiles of these ecosystems in the natural environment.

10,662 students begin on Wednesday, September 8, the 2021/2022 school year

10,662 students begin on Wednesday, September 8, the 2021/2022 school year
The Councilor for Education of the Torrevieja City Council, Ricardo Recuero, has released this morning the data for the start of the 2021/2022 school year, which will begin next Wednesday, September 8, with a total of 10,662 students / as and with 100% presence of students in the classrooms. -Children's students: 1878 students. 83 units -Primary students: 4456 students. 183 units -Secondary students: 2,895 students. 106 units -Baccalaureate and FP: 1433 students. 36 Recuero units highlighted that throughout the school year the health measures for the prevention of COVID-19 will be maintained, such as the daily cleaning service during school hours, the COVID-19 health advice to schools, and 12,000 masks will be distributed by all the centers of the town.

The City Council recovers municipal aid for school transport after five years of absence

The City Council recovers municipal aid for school transport after five years of absence
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the Councilor for Education, Ricardo Recuero, have offered a press conference this morning to announce that, after five years of absence, the City Council recovers the municipal aid for school transport, which which will be an economic benefit for all families with children and young people of school age.

Open the period for the aid of the Plan Resistir Plus

Open the period for the aid of the Plan Resistir Plus
The standard application form for obtaining the aid is available on the municipal website of the Torrevieja City Council, at and at

13 new workers take office through the EMCORP 2021 insertion program

13 new workers take office through the EMCORP 2021 insertion program
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the deputy mayor of the City Council, Rosario Martínez, have received and welcomed the 13 new workers who have taken office today and who have been hired through the EMCORP 2021 insertion program, subsidized by LABORA , to provide them with a work experience that improves their employability.

The selection of personnel begins to take part in the employment workshop "Vides de La Mata"

The selection of personnel begins to take part in the employment workshop "Vides de La Mata"
The Councilor for Employment and Training, Domingo Paredes, has announced that the ADL continues to bet on training the unemployed with programs where culture is positioned as a dynamic axis, continuing the objective of improving employability and facilitating the labor insertion of people participants, with special consideration to vulnerable people and groups who suffer greater difficulty or discrimination in access to employment.

Inauguration of six new officials to cover

Inauguration of six new officials to cover
These six new officials will work in various departments of the City Council for a period of one year, counting from their inauguration, or, where appropriate, until the definitive coverage is produced by the legally established procedure, or by reinstatement of its holder , and with a maximum limit of three years.

The City Council promotes its II Municipal Plan for Equality of Women and Men

The City Council promotes its II Municipal Plan for Equality of Women and Men
Among other activities, highlights the development of in-depth interviews with personalities from the public, cultural and social sphere of the town; the organization of group dynamics with representatives of the local associative fabric, as well as the holding of internal work tables with technical staff of the City Council

On June 8, 9 and 10, the university entrance exams will be held for the first time in the Torrevieja auditorium

On June 8, 9 and 10, the university entrance exams will be held for the first time in the Torrevieja auditorium
The Councilor for Education, Ricardo Recuero, presented this morning the device prepared for the celebration of the Baccalaureate Assessment for University Access (EBAU), which will be held for the first time at the International Auditorium of the city of Torrevieja, on June 8, 9 and 10.