
At the end of January, the resurfacing of streets in the southern area of Torrevieja ends

At the end of January, the resurfacing of streets in the southern area of Torrevieja ends
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, accompanied by the Councilor for Urban Management, Accessibility and Urban Services, Sandra Sánchez, have visited the different streets included in the Reasphalting Plan for the southernmost area of the municipality, checking the status of execution in which they are located, including main roads such as Avenida de las Olas in the Rocío del Mar urbanization, which had not been repaved for more than a decade.

The Consell collaborates with the Torrevieja City Council to promote the festivals of relevant tourist interest that are celebrated in the municipality

The Consell collaborates with the Torrevieja City Council to promote the festivals of relevant tourist interest that are celebrated in the municipality
The Councilor for Festivals, Rosario Martínez Chazarra, reports that the Consell has authorized the signing of a collaboration agreement between Turisme Comunitat Valenciana and the Torrevieja City Council to promote the festivals of relevant tourist interest that are celebrated in the city.

Success of the 9th edition of Bono Consumo Online

Success of the 9th edition of Bono Consumo Online
Remind all citizens that prior appointments to obtain the voucher in person can be picked up tomorrow, Tuesday, November 28, and on Wednesday, November 29, at the Commerce Office, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Approved the tender for the improvement works in the Casa Grande I and Casa Grande II industrial estate

Approved the tender for the improvement works in the Casa Grande I and Casa Grande II industrial estate
It is worth highlighting the joint work between the Association of Industrialists and Merchants of the Casa Grande Business Park and the Torrevieja City Council to carry out this first phase of work in the industrial estate, and in 2024 the redevelopment works of the industrial estate will be carried out, as agreed. with the association

The JGL approves the file for the contracting of the drafting service of the works project for the completion of the Poniente Dam

The JGL approves the file for the contracting of the drafting service of the works project for the completion of the Poniente Dam
In an extraordinary and urgent session held yesterday, Tuesday, October 24, the Local Government Board approved the file for the contracting of the drafting service of the works project for the completion of the Poniente Dam, through advance processing of the expense. To contract the drafting of the project, an invitation to tender will be sent to all companies in Lot 7 of the Framework Agreement. The estimated value of this contract amounts to 66,346 euros (VAT included).