
Energy saving and efficiency program in companies 2022

Energy saving and efficiency program in companies 2022
The Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE) and the Conselleria d'Economia Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç i Treball launch the "Energy saving and efficiency program in companies 2022" for companies based in the Valencian Community.

Sustainable mobility aid 2022

Sustainable mobility aid 2022
Non-refundable grants with a global maximum of 400,000 euros for the project.

EmprendeXXI Valencian Community Awards (16th edition)

EmprendeXXI Valencian Community Awards (16th edition)
The CaixaBank group, through CaixaBank DayOne, announces the sixteenth edition of the EmprendeXXI Awards, which identify, recognize and support recently created innovative companies with the greatest growth potential in Spain and Portugal. Deadline extended until December 15, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.

Is the Metaverse profitable for companies?

Is the Metaverse profitable for companies?
In just an hour and a half and in an online format, Edgar Martín-Blas, from Utopia Voyagers, an agency dedicated to creating large Metaverse projects for major brands; Soraya Cadalso, from Uttopion, the first Spanish Metaverse; and John Fernández, expert disseminator of the Metaverso ecosystem, will answer these questions based on their experience.

Entrepreneurship support agents request public-private participation structures for revitalization in the territory

Entrepreneurship support agents request public-private participation structures for revitalization in the territory
"Participation structures are spaces for debate with a vocation for continuity that need two elements: on the one hand, channels or bodies capable of attracting citizens with the intention of contributing their proposals in favor of the improvement or implementation of projects On the other, the existence of structures or figures in the Administration that favor this participation. For this, it is also necessary to create points of intersection that allow connecting public organizations with citizen participation."

Agamed receives the "Equality in the company" distinction from the Ministry for its commitment and application of opportunity policies with its staff.

Agamed receives the "Equality in the company" distinction from the Ministry for its commitment and application of opportunity policies with its staff.
Agamed has received from the Ministry of Equality of the Government of Spain the distinction 'Equality in the Company', awarded to those entities that stand out in the application of policies of equal treatment and opportunities with their male and female workers. Agamed, the mixed economy company formed by Hidraqua and the Torrevieja City Council that manages the integral water cycle in the city, has been one of the recognized companies.

United Kingdom Armed Forces Day Parade and Mass Honoring Veterans

United Kingdom Armed Forces Day Parade and Mass Honoring Veterans
The Councilor for International Residents of the Torrevieja City Council, Gitte Lund, will attend the event to be held in the center of Torrevieja next Saturday, June 25, on the occasion of the United Kingdom Armed Forces Day.

Today, the "Torrevieja Weekend" begins

Today, the "Torrevieja Weekend" begins
The parade will be animated and set by the designer Eduardo Navarrete, the performances of Pepa Charro, (La Terremoto de Alcorcón) and the singer Ricky Merino, as well as the actress Mélani Olivares

Delivered the diplomas to the 120 Ukrainians who have taken the Spanish courses organized by the City Council of Torrevieja

Delivered the diplomas to the 120 Ukrainians who have taken the Spanish courses organized by the City Council of Torrevieja
The Councilor for International Residents, Cooperation and Immigration, Gitte Lund Thomsen, has delivered this morning at the Palacio de la Música, the diplomas to the 130 Ukrainian men and women who have taken the Spanish courses organized by the City Council of Torrevieja, and that began on March 30.

The CDT of Torrevieja launches training courses for Ukrainian refugees

The CDT of Torrevieja launches training courses for Ukrainian refugees
The mayor has reported that at the moment there are more than 3,500 citizens from Ukraine who are already registered in the Association of Ukrainians of Torrevieja since the beginning of the Russian invasion

Presented the 7th edition "We are going for Tapas"

Presented the 7th edition "We are going for Tapas"
Today, Tuesday, April 12, the Councilor for Hospitality of the Torrevieja City Council, Rosario Martínez Chazarra, and the president of the Association of Hospitality Companies of Torrevieja and Comarca, José Ignacio Pastor, have presented the 7th edition of "We are going for Tapas ”, to which 24 restaurants have signed up.

Spanish courses for Ukrainian citizens begin

Spanish courses for Ukrainian citizens begin
The Councilor for International Residents, Cooperation and Immigration of the Torrevieja City Council, Gitte Lund Thomsen, has welcomed all of them and encouraged them to integrate into Torrevieja society and learn our language to facilitate their full integration into the city. It should be noted that these Spanish classes are aimed at people of all ages, with women predominating more than men.

The Salvador Ruso school welcomes more than 250 Ukrainian students, from 6 to 18 years old, who receive their regulated studies every Saturday

The Salvador Ruso school welcomes more than 250 Ukrainian students, from 6 to 18 years old, who receive their regulated studies every Saturday
Around 400 Ukrainian children and young people teach their studies in two educational centers set up for them, such as the center of the Association of Ukrainians in Torrevieja and, now, the Salvador Ruso public school, which has been opened to serve the large number of children who They have arrived since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

Reception plan for people arriving from Ukraine

Reception plan for people arriving from Ukraine
This morning a work meeting was held at the Torrevieja City Council to finalize the Reception Plan for people arriving from Ukraine and the details of the administrative processes and available services.

Meeting with residents of Rocajuna to discuss citizen security issues

Meeting with residents of Rocajuna to discuss citizen security issues
Yesterday morning, Tuesday, a meeting was organized with the residents of Torresur, an area of the Rocajuna urbanization, with a majority of British residents, with the presence of the deputy mayor of the Torrevieja City Council, Rosario Martínez, the Councilor for Security and Emergencies, Federico Alarcón, and the mayor of International Residents, Gitte Lund Thomsen, and in which members of the Civil Guard and the Torrevieja Local Police were also present.

The University of Alicante works on the creation of marketable biomass from wastewater or saline

The University of Alicante works on the creation of marketable biomass from wastewater or saline
The team of researchers from the University of Alicante, led by Professor Rosa María Martínez Espinosa, is studying the use of halophilic microorganisms to clean contaminated water and brines before they are returned to the sea. Microorganisms consume these contaminants as food and make them disappear. At the same time, they create a biomass that can be used to make bioplastics. A raw material that can replace polluting plastics.