
EmprendeXXI Valencian Community Awards (16th edition)

EmprendeXXI Valencian Community Awards (16th edition)
The CaixaBank group, through CaixaBank DayOne, announces the sixteenth edition of the EmprendeXXI Awards, which identify, recognize and support recently created innovative companies with the greatest growth potential in Spain and Portugal. Deadline extended until December 15, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.

Is the Metaverse profitable for companies?

Is the Metaverse profitable for companies?
In just an hour and a half and in an online format, Edgar Martín-Blas, from Utopia Voyagers, an agency dedicated to creating large Metaverse projects for major brands; Soraya Cadalso, from Uttopion, the first Spanish Metaverse; and John Fernández, expert disseminator of the Metaverso ecosystem, will answer these questions based on their experience.

Presented the acts on the occasion of the International Week of Persons with Disabilities, which will take place from November 28 to December 7

Presented the acts on the occasion of the International Week of Persons with Disabilities, which will take place from November 28 to December 7
The councilor for NGOs and Volunteers of the Torrevieja City Council, Concha Sala, and the presidents of ALPE and APANEE, Heidi Aznar and María José Sánchez, respectively, have presented this morning the activities that will be carried out on the occasion of the Week International for Persons with Disabilities, which will take place from December 28 to December 7.

Entrepreneurship support agents request public-private participation structures for revitalization in the territory

Entrepreneurship support agents request public-private participation structures for revitalization in the territory
"Participation structures are spaces for debate with a vocation for continuity that need two elements: on the one hand, channels or bodies capable of attracting citizens with the intention of contributing their proposals in favor of the improvement or implementation of projects On the other, the existence of structures or figures in the Administration that favor this participation. For this, it is also necessary to create points of intersection that allow connecting public organizations with citizen participation."

Focus Week and Entrepreneurship Valencian Community 2022

Focus Week and Entrepreneurship Valencian Community 2022
From November 29 to December 1, the CEEI CV Network celebrates the Valencian Community Focus SME and Entrepreneurship Week 2022, the central event of the Focus SME and Entrepreneurship programme, consolidated as the benchmark business forum at the regional level for SMEs and entrepreneurs.

Presented the project of the Camino De Santiago del Sureste Torrevieja - Orihuela, which will take place on November 19 and 26

Presented the project of the Camino De Santiago del Sureste Torrevieja - Orihuela, which will take place on November 19 and 26
The project was born with the aim of becoming a permanent route so that pilgrims can travel it at any time of the year and thus consolidate it as an official route (South-Torrevieja Branch), certified by the Association of Pilgrims of Alicante for its inclusion in the southeastern path

Ars Creatio and the MUDIC present a wide range of activities around the Mediterranean night of researchers

Ars Creatio and the MUDIC present a wide range of activities around the Mediterranean night of researchers
From September 16 to October 1, within the framework of the European MEDNIGHT project linked to the celebration of September 30, the official day of the European Researchers' Night, ARS CREATIO and the MUDIC offer guided tours, scientific workshops, talks, the show Barber's Science and a tribute to Torrevieja elite athletes