
Youth presents its Spring 2023 Youth Agenda

Youth presents its Spring 2023 Youth Agenda
The spring agenda includes an interesting educational leisure event, the 1st Sports and Technology Week, from June 26 to 30, for teenagers from 12 to 17 years old.

On Tuesday, April 4, the first volume of the series called "Historias de aquí", dedicated to "Diego Ramírez Pastor" will be presented at the Book Fair.

On Tuesday, April 4, the first volume of the series called "Historias de aquí", dedicated to "Diego Ramírez Pastor" will be presented at the Book Fair.
Next Tuesday, April 4, at 6:00 p.m., and within the schedule of activities of the XXV Torrevieja Book Fair (Paseo Vista Alegre), the presentation of a new publication of the Municipal Institute of Culture will take place. Joaquín Chapaprieta”, this time aimed at children. The presentation will be made by the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the Councilor for Culture, Antonio Quesada.