
Authorization from the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda for the execution of the expansion works of the rainwater rolling pond next to the N-332, in the Doña Inés urbanization

Authorization from the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda for the execution of the expansion works of the rainwater rolling pond next to the N-332, in the Doña Inés urbanization
The works, which will be carried out by AGAMED, could begin in 15 days and the execution budget amounts to 524,300 euros (VAT included) and the period of execution of the works will be about five months. With this expansion, there will be a greater storage capacity ( 14,000 m3) for water from the existing cross drainage works, minimizing continuous flooding in the Doña Inés urbanization and on the N-332 highway

The works of the La Mata pedestrian path have been awarded, for an amount of almost 4 million euros

The works of the La Mata pedestrian path have been awarded, for an amount of almost 4 million euros
The Local Government Board of the Torrevieja City Council approved yesterday the contracting of the works of the La Mata Pedestrian Path, which will mean the total renovation of this important promenade in the city. The contract winner was the company UTE ORTHEM-ABALA, with a drop of 10%, the total cost of the work being almost 4 million euros (3,929,612 euros). Once the works have been awarded, the performance could begin in just two weeks.

Talk by the prestigious psychologist "Patri Psicóloga" tomorrow, at the Municipal Theater, within the first conference on mental health

Talk by the prestigious psychologist "Patri Psicóloga" tomorrow, at the Municipal Theater, within the first conference on mental health
These conferences will feature talks and workshops by leading Mental Health professionals such as Berta Villagordo, Esther Lledó, Begoña Cabrera, Miguel Jesús Sánchez and Pepe Riquelme, who will talk about the management of mental health problems faced by children and adolescents.

Awarded the contract for the drafting of the reorganization project of Torreta III - Punta de la Víbora

Awarded the contract for the drafting of the reorganization project of Torreta III - Punta de la Víbora
Yesterday, the Local Government Board approved the award of the contract for the drafting of the Torreta III – Punta de la Víbora redevelopment project, based on the Framework Agreement, for an amount of 525,870 euros (VAT included). The execution period for writing this project is 4 months.

The City Council receives a grant of 1,530,892 euros for the execution of the project "Impulse to competitiveness, innovation and modernization of the urban commercial area of Torrevieja through the implementation of an Urban Shopping Center"

The City Council receives a grant of 1,530,892 euros for the execution of the project "Impulse to competitiveness, innovation and modernization of the urban commercial area of Torrevieja through the implementation of an Urban Shopping Center"
The mayor of Commerce has indicated that a period of public participation will open next week, in which more than 60 selected city establishments will be interviewed in order to have first-hand the precise information to determine the form of management by the that you will have to choose

Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Property protection and financing

Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Property protection and financing
The CEEI Alcoy (Plaza Emilio Sala, 1 - 2nd floor) will host, free of charge, prior registration, the Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Protection of property and financing on March 9 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Conference Boost your business with R+D+i

Conference Boost your business with R+D+i
The CEEI of Valencia will host the Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Protection of property and financing on March 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Culture signs an educational cooperation agreement regulating external practices with the Valencian International University (VIU)

Culture signs an educational cooperation agreement regulating external practices with the Valencian International University (VIU)
The Councilor for Culture of the Torrevieja City Council, Antonio Quesada, reports that last Tuesday, February 14, the Governing Board of the "Joaquín Chapaprieta" Municipal Institute of Culture approved in extraordinary session the REGULATORY EDUCATIONAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR EXTERNAL PRACTICES with the Valencian International University (VIU).